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Sophos AV is OS X Lion compatible

Sophos says that threats targeting Apple’s operating system are on the rise owing to the growing popularity of the platform

Sophos AV is OS X Lion compatible
Sophos AV is OS X Lion compatible

Sophos has announced that its Anti Virus for Mac and Anti Virus for Mac: Home Edition applications are fully compatible with the recently released Apple Mac OS X Lion (version 10.7) operating system (OS).

A press release from the company states the following , ‘Current users of Sophos Anti-Virus products for Mac will continue to be fully protected as soon as they upgrade to Mac OS X Lion, now available. New users will also have immediate compatibility after downloading the security product’.

Sophos’ AV software is said to provide automatic detection against existing and new threats that target the OS X operating system. The company says that its software offers protection against both Mac and Windows malware. Sophos also says that because Apple’s OS has grown in popularity over the years, it has attracted the attention of cyber-criminals.

“It’s clear that Mac’s market share has increased substantially and consequently Mac has become a viable marketplace for cybercriminals,” said Chris Kraft, Product Management Vice President at Sophos. “We are committed to providing complete protection for all our users. By supporting the latest updates in Mac OS we are better able to ensure our Mac users are constantly protected against the growing number of Mac threats.”

Sophos also states that, ‘There has been a recent rise in malware specifically targeting Mac OS X users including a series of recent fake anti-virus attacks including MacDefender and Mac Security. In a recent Sophos Facebook page poll, 89% of the 968 people who answered the poll said they would recommend friends and family install anti-virus software on their Macs. Due to the rise in Mac malware in 2011, many Mac users have realized the need to take security on their home computer seriously as well as recognised the advantages of running anti-virus software.