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Cisco pledges net zero emissions by 2040

Cisco commits to reaching net zero across all scopes of emissions by 2040, which includes our product use, operations, and supply chain

Cisco announced that it is committing to reaching net zero for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across all scopes by 2040.

The company seeks to complete the initiative 10 years ahead of when climate scientists say the planet must reach net zero to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Cisco’s net zero goal will be supported by ambitious near-term targets, including to reach net zero for all global Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 2025.

Other near-term targets will cover the company’s most-material Scope 3 categories, such as use of sold products and supply chain emissions, and will be made public as they are finalised later in 2021. The new greenhouse gas reduction goals will , and Cisco will report progress on these targets in its annual Corporate Social Responsibility Impact Report.

This announcement marks a major milestone in Cisco’s journey to Power an Inclusive Future for All. Cisco’s efforts to advance this purpose will encompass investments and initiatives related to closing the digital divide, advancing social justice, building partner ecosystems of impact, and setting and achieving ambitious sustainability goals like today’s net zero commitment.

“The devastating effects of the climate disasters over the past few weeks could not be a clearer sign of the urgent need to address climate change now,” said Reem Asaad, Vice President, Cisco Middle East and Africa. “As a global technology leader, we must set the standard for sustainable business practices and support our customers, partners, and suppliers in their efforts to reduce their impact on the environment as well.”

Reem Asaad, Cisco Middle East and Africa

Cisco has been setting and achieving goals to reduce its GHG emissions at its facilities and across its supply chain since 2008. Strategies Cisco will use to reach net zero include:

  • Continuing to increase the energy efficiency of our products through innovative product design
  • Accelerating use of renewable energy
  • Embracing hybrid work
  • Investing in carbon removal solutions
  • Further embedding sustainability and circular economy principles across our business