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Why data centres need physical security

Data is the new oil. It’s a vital asset that ensures our businesses, homes, and cities all run efficiently and are constantly improving. Every aspect of our lives is becoming data-driven, particularly post-Covid. A consequence of this growth, however, is that data – and the data centers that store, protect and process that data – have become prime criminal targets.

Here are some numbers to reflect on. The cost of recovering from a data breach currently stands at $3.86 million. This is only the financial implications of a breach considered. Add to that the ongoing damage to an organization’s reputation, brand, and customer loyalty that could take years – if not decades – to repair. If that is not a good reason to protect your data center in every possible way, we are not sure what is.

The growth of the data center sector has been significant and it’s accelerated due to the pandemic. In May 2021, Etisalat announced its company’s third wholesale data center in the UAE which will be the landing point for the new Africa-1 subsea cable. In 2020, a record U.S. $34.9 billion was invested globally in the sector and 2021 is, so far, following the same trajectory with $13.5 billion worth of deals currently in the pipeline. Having more people working remotely, socializing online, and turning to solutions like video conferencing, e-commerce and gaming, has paid dividends for the data center industry.

The wide range of threats

This year, when Milestone partnered with a research institute and asked 320 C-suites about business challenges related to video technologies, two challenges rose above all others – privacy concerns and security compliance concerns. Among physical security professionals, we see that one of the top concerns is lack of multi-departmental cooperation to address cybersecurity threats. Physical security leaders and IT leaders need to work together. The threat is real and it needs to be addressed.

Physical security risks come in many forms, from criminals, spies, and other malicious actors trying to enter a facility, to inside jobs, or even natural disasters like floods, fire, and earthquakes. Security leaders must protect against every possible threat for their data center to remain robust and impassable. Furthermore, against evolving threats and needs, security solutions must be able to adapt to the times and take advantage of the latest protections.

Invest in internal protections

The next step is to ensure your internal protections are up-to-date against the latest threats. As risks can evolve every day, having a regular review of your internal systems and stress-testing them against the latest threats is essential. Some of the technologies to consider are:

  • CCTV systems.
  • A VMS (such as Milestone XProtect) that can consolidate all video, audio, sensor, and other data streams.
  • Video analytics for thermal imaging, facial recognition, license plate and vehicle recognition, people counting, behavior monitoring, and so forth.
  • A control center with a smart wall to monitor everything occurring on-site and bring up detailed views of any suspicious activity.
  • Access control.
  • Infrared tripwires and mantraps.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) sensors that can detect intrusion or emergencies like fire and flood, or even preempt equipment failure.

Consider all factors

Besides internal protection, you also should protect your perimeter, consider your utilities and prepare your people. Evidently, a lot of thought and decision-making will go into protecting your data center from a physical breach; it is something that will evolve and can be constantly improved over time. By starting the journey now, you are making certain there are no cracks in your security. No weakness will be exploited by malicious actors and your cybersecurity will not be undermined by a breach within your walls.