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GITEX 2021: Mandiant set to showcase its capabilities against ‘multifaceted extortion’

Gordon Love, V-P (Sales) MEA, on the Mandiant Advantage SaaS platform that combines XDR capabilities with breach intelligence and expertise

Having gone back to the name it had before it was acquired by FireEye in 2013, Mandiant will be part of this year’s GITEX Technology Week, showcasing Mandiant Advantage – its trusted technology approach to security operations.

On October 4, the company will change its corporate name and relaunch as Mandiant Inc at its annual Cyber Defense Summit (CDS) 2021. The company had announced in June that it was splitting and had entered into a definitive agreement to sell the FireEye Products business, including the FireEye name, to a consortium led by Symphony Technology Group (STG).

GITEX is one of the biggest events the re-branded Mandiant is taking part in, but it promises to remain as vigilant as ever to provide security to the businesses in the Middle East.

Speaking to, Gordon Love, Vice President MEA Sales, Mandiant, said the threats are greater than ever before, especially in the Middle East.

“Middle Eastern organisations are at a higher risk of cyber attacks, primarily due to the geopolitical situation and the rapid adoption of digital transformation,” said Love.

“Mandiant leverages innovative technology and intelligence collated globally to provide solutions that defend organisations against cyber attacks and embrace the bold digital future.

“Mandiant Threat Intelligence has led the industry with the highest quality reporting that comprehensively details the threat environment, enabling organisations to prioritise threats and manage cyber security risk.”

Talking about Mandiant’s plans for GITEX, Love said: “Effective security is not only based on the security controls deployed, but the expertise and intelligence behind them. At GITEX, we will demonstrate our solutions that help organisations protect themselves in this rapidly evolving and highly sophisticated cyber threat landscape.

“This year we will be showcasing our trusted technology approach to security operations – Mandiant Advantage. Powered by our unique Intel Grid, the Mandiant Advantage SaaS platform combines XDR capabilities with our breach intelligence and expertise.

“Three modules are now available as part of this platform’s controls-agnostic suite of products including Threat Intelligence, Automated Defense and Security Validation, automating Mandiant’s expertise and intelligence within organisation’s environments.”

Love spoke about the several ransomware attacks that have taken place against organisations across the world, as one of the biggest trends in their business.

“The way the ransomware attacks have been conducted in the past year has changed the business consequences and the kind of protection required,” Love explained.

“Gone are the days where ransomware attacks meant malware encrypting files to disrupt normal business functions. The best way to protect enterprises against such attacks were creating reliable offline backups to ensure continuity. The evolved ransomware attack, which Mandiant has termed ‘multifaceted extortion’ can include deployment of encryption; theft of sensitive data; mass dissemination of data in an attempt to name-and-shame; attackers choosing to deploy additional coercive tactics – such as DDoS, harass employees and business partners or publicise in the media in an attempt to extort ransom.

“The other major trend that we observed involved several governments deploying cyber-espionage capabilities related to COVID-19 vaccination. Mandiant Threat Intelligence tracked many cyber espionage campaigns likely seeking COVID-19 vaccine or treatment data, including Vietnamese, Chinese, North Korean, Iranian and Russian threat groups.”

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