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NTT commits to net zero emissions and sustainability

NTT commits to net zero emissions and sustainability to create a connected, sustainable and inclusive future, joins United Nation’s Race to Zero campaign.

NTT commits to net zero emissions and sustainability to create a connected, sustainable and inclusive future, joins United Nation’s Race to Zero campaign
NTT Commits to Net Zero

NTT Ltd., a global technology and business solutions provider, announced a series of commitments to reduce its carbon footprint and create a connected, sustainable and inclusive future for all. NTT’s commitments to net zero will see the company work to achieve net zero emissions across its operations by 2030 and its value chain by 2040.

UN campaign

To foster NTT’s commitments to net zero, the company also aims to power its Global Data Center Division with 100% renewable energy by 2030 as an urgent priority and has joined the United Nation’s Race to Zero campaign.

NTT Ltd.’s Global Chief Executive Officer, Abhijit Dubey, said, “As one of the largest technology companies in the world, we have an obligation to make the world a more sustainable place. Employees, customers and partners are demanding that companies become more purpose-led. This is core to our NTT heritage, and I am incredibly proud to be announcing our commitment to reach net zero emissions and broader strategic sustainability goals.”

Three pillars

NTT’s commitments to net zero are focused across three interconnected pillars:

Connected Planet

  • Create and expand on partnerships to scale technology solutions focused on the protection and regeneration of biodiversity and ecosystems
    • Incorporate circular economy and regenerative design principles working in partnership across its operations, supply chain and client solutions
    • Engage 50% of its employees in conservation and regenerative initiatives in their local communities

Connected Economy

  • Grow its portfolio of smart solutions to support its clients and partners in decreasing 200m tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions by 2026
    • Establish a Sustainability Innovation Fund, review board and mentorship program to incubate ideas and scale the impact of climate tech and sustainable solutions

Connected Communities

  • Ensure that more than 50% of its workforce belong to one or more of the diversity categories of gender, race, sexual orientation, socio-economic background and disability.
    • Provide 5 million young people and children from underprivileged areas across the world with digital access and education
    • Enable and empower its employees to contribute 1 million hours of volunteering