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AVEVA Sustainability Panel: Industry leaders say data helps accelerate innovation on path to net zero

AVEVA Sustainability Panel: Microsoft, Neste, Ørsted, Schneider Electric, and AVEVA offer actionable takeaways to realise climate-positive targets.

AVEVA Sustainability Panel: Microsoft, Neste, Ørsted, Schneider Electric, and AVEVA offer actionable takeaways to realise climate-positive targets
Lisa Johnston, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer at AVEVA.

AVEVA Sustainability Panel: Microsoft, Neste, Ørsted, Schneider Electric, and AVEVA offer actionable takeaways to realise climate-positive targets

Committed to net zero

As part of its ongoing efforts to make positive environmental impacts, AVEVA, a global leader in industrial software, joined companies across the technology and energy spectrum to underscore how digitalisation can help to achieve net zero carbon emissions across industries. Delegates at the recent AVEVA PI World conference heard how data-led innovation can help unlock sustainability benefits at every level.

Nine in 10 companies expect to accelerate their sustainability activities over the coming year in order to tackle climate change, an AVEVA-commissioned survey shows. Four in five leading industries want to increase their digital investments to drive sustainable business models, demonstrating the enormous potential of advanced technologies such as smart data, artificial intelligence (AI) and cloud computing in enabling net zero and lower carbon industrial operations, explained Lisa Johnston, Chief Marketing Officer and Chief Sustainability Officer at AVEVA.

Digitalisation strategies to achieve net-zero commitments

During the AVEVA Sustainability Panel, speakers outlined a series of actionable steps toward building climate-positive organisations:

  1. Incorporate sustainability into your KPIs: Olivier Blum, Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer at Schneider Electric, said companies should develop sustainability strategies as they do for other areas. Potential CO2 emissions should be factored into the design of new assets to improve sustainability and accelerate the climate transition, he said.
  2. Use data to predict innovation: Applying predictive analytics to industrial data collected across the value chain can reveal new routes to innovation. Energy firm Ørsted operates a fleet of 1,000 offshore wind turbines. Continuous data monitoring means that the fleet represents 1,000 different experiments providing feedback to produce future assets, said Jesper Skov Gretlund, Senior Manager, Numerical Competence Centre, Ørsted.
  3. Extend your handprint with partnerships: Neste works with suppliers that share its sustainability commitments on its path to achieving carbon neutrality in production by 2035. The company uses data collected across its value chain to improve its operations and to help other companies reduce their emissions.
  4. Measure everything for sustainability at scale: Since carbon is the building block of life, measuring it requires monitoring every aspect of the business. “Digital technology is that tool in the [corporate] toolbox that lets us go at the kind of scale that sustainability requires, and at the scope that sustainability requires,” said Lucas Joppa, Chief Environment Officer at Microsoft.

Watch the AVEVA PI World Sustainability Panel here.