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Alteryx: Gulf ripe for AI innovation as 50% of data workers automate tasks

Alteryx unveils new data showing that the Gulf is uniquely placed to drive post-pandemic innovation.

Alan Jacobson, Chief Data and Analytic Officer at Alteryx.

According to a report released by analytics automation company Alteryx, 50% of surveyed Gulf employees are now able to automate their day-to-day tasks, with 58% able to produce faster results through the use of analytics technology compared to five years ago.

In comparison, just 16% of UK workers, and 24% of German workers are able to automate similar tasks. The Alteryx-commissioned YouGov research surveyed over 300 employees at large companies in the UAE and KSA who work with data.

Inconsistent training

Despite these findings, the research shows that the region is still hindered by inconsistently applied training programmes, with only existing experts – such as  qualified data scientists – receiving vital data upskilling. 97% of Gulf workers agreed that training needs to be made available to all data workers to truly unlock value for businesses.

Skilled workers wasted

The research highlighted that data scientists spend a disproportionate amount of time each week on tasks that could be completed by workers with less advanced skillsets using automation technology.

Key findings included:

  • 27% of data scientists spend at least nine hours each week on basic data tasks such as cleansing, blending, and shaping. 
  • 14% of the data scientists surveyed spend at least 30 hours on the same tasks.
  • 54% of the data scientists said that their business is “not making full use of the data”, and 49% said that employees are “lacking the data literacy skills needed to meet today’s business challenges.

As a result of this skills gap, the efforts of highly trained data scientists are being wasted, according to respondents. 97% of employees said that data training should be expanded to all data workers instead of remaining focused on existing data experts.  

An infographic drawn from the YouGov research.

“While data is increasingly becoming the common language of business, few receive the training needed to deliver consistent benefit from it, with the remainder relegated to working in the dark,” said Alan Jacobson, Chief Data and Analytic Officer at Alteryx. “The lack of foundational data skills remains a significant stumbling block on the Gulf’s upward trajectory towards AI led innovation. Big data needs context and human intelligence when applied to AI. What we now see is an AI ethics conundrum. If not driven by data science, unintentional data biases can creep in, leading to perpetuated discriminatory practices, as well as inaccurate and inconsistent AI models.”

Informal training

The Alteryx-commissioned research also highlighted the belief that the Gulf is set for a data ethics disaster. Workers now gravitate towards informal mentoring (39%) and informal user groups (24%) to receive training, this increases the risk of unintentional bias creeping into algorithms and models. A third (31%) of MEA business leaders believe that solving this challenge is someone else’s problem, according to the report.

“Many business leaders believe that transformation and AI projects are exclusively about the technology, but any technology is only ever a tool to deliver human ingenuity,” comments Kerry Koutsikos, Regional Vice President, MEA, at Alteryx. “The lack of consistent training, and subsequent lack of standardised knowledge is a core challenge for the Gulf’s future technology projects – particularly new AI strategies.

Kerry Koutsikos, Regional Vice President, MEA, at Alteryx.

“Data work and automation are taking place regardless of whether training is available. The challenge is the quality of data and outcomes generated across this skills spectrum. Instead of spending their time on advanced AI projects or value-driving work, data scientists are having their time sapped by basic data tasks that could – and should – be completed by other workers. It’s imperative that business leaders minimize the challenges that are being faced by delivering a core foundation of data skills to all workers and removing pressure from data and technology teams,” Koutsikos said.

Alteryx have previously claimed that stalled training programs are hindering Gulf companies.