Posted inEmergent Tech

Emerging technologies redefining the future of work

How do we recognise the opportunities for application? How do organisations identify the processes that would benefit most from adopting these technologies?

Zaid Al Mashari Chief Executive Officer at Proven Consult
Zaid Al Mashari Chief Executive Officer at Proven Consult

Emerging technologies are moving swiftly, and their evolution continues to gain influence in almost every sector. Putting the latest technologies to use in the current digital landscape is crucial to harnessing their full potential in the future. But how do we recognise the opportunities for application? How do organisations identify the processes that would benefit most from adopting these technologies? A more important question to ask here is – which technologies are to be pursued, which ones are more important and which ones need business remodeling to implement. Every business must answer these questions strategically in order to stay agile, and open to change to stay ahead.

It is just as vital to establish the ‘how’ of deploying the technologies of the future as the ‘what’ and the ‘where.’ With hybrid cloud environments on the rise and the continued scaling up of microservices, automation has firmly established itself as a core requirement. Organisations and businesses are rapidly developing robust processes, and with increased activity the need for efficiency in all departments has never been higher. In order to offset technical debt and the manual procedures that might hinder IT related productivity, businesses need to partner with an entity with a proven track record of implementing emerging technologies.

So how are leaders in IT using automation and AI to optimise their enterprises, and why have they so quickly become a necessity rather than ‘just another trend’? It is important for most companies in IT and other sectors to improve their efficiency and service offerings among the market competition. Automation and AI are not only a facet of technology, but a big part of the company’s core values. The role of emerging technologies in the IT sector is constantly evolving but not limited to it. Emerging technologies are, without question, transforming all industries, and will impact every business’s ability to innovate and grow. These technologies are now making the move from proof-of-concept to prove-of-value.

One of the key elements to making the most of these rapidly developing new models will be ascertaining whether your organisation is a good candidate for AI-driven automation. Nine out of ten times, the answer is a resounding ‘yes. Intelligent Automation is based on processes that are optimised and standardised. IT leaders play a major role in transforming businesses effectively and efficiently and play a key role in implementing automation solutions as a core part of several functions and departments. Automation has the capability to transform all verticals, and throughout it all, IT plays a key role transforming businesses effectively. It is, however, crucial that IT must be agile in order to integrate disparate platforms and create customised processes through tailored solutions complementing an organisation’s unique business goals.

Given the rise of Internet of things (IoT), there must be a balance maintained between people and processes. The most important considerations for IoT are data protection, data collection, and analytics which provide insights businesses can act on to improve operational efficiency. There are however, some obstacles to fully automating processes that need to be considered.

Digital infrastructure projects need to be well thought out and financial capabilities accessed before pursuing digital aspirations. Managing a large volume of data and integrating new technologies within legacy systems are the most crucial aspects in automation. Defining the right outcome with stakeholders, building a roadmap for change management and continuous improvement, and identifying the right business processes to automate will determine the success of these projects.  Relying on the right solutions partner also ensures these technologies are integrated within business models. Companies such as Proven Consult, with their industry-leading automation capabilities help global organisations take the next steps in their journey toward incorporating these systems.

Businesses that adapt and take advantage of emerging technologies are the ones that will thrive in these times. The future hinges on combining technology with people’s skills in a way that brings out the best in each and aligns with a company’s goals. To achieve this, businesses must reevaluate their processes and invest in innovation. Automation and new technologies have the potential for paving the way to better governance, efficiency, and productivity, and are essential tools for IT in a world where connection is key. Fostering new ways of working with technology are vital for organisations’ success.