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Job security vs safety: UAE employees want robots to do dangerous tasks

Employees in the UAE fear losing their jobs to AI, yet many welcome them to do dangerous work

The increasing use of AI poses a threat to jobs worldwide, and the public availability of ChatGPT bot highlights the expanding capabilities of these technologies.

While robots have been performing various tasks for years, UAE employees express concerns about the impact of automation on their jobs.

According to Kaspersky research, 50 percent of workers fear losing their jobs to robots, and 21 percent have reported cybersecurity incidents with automated systems.

However, many employees acknowledge the benefits of automation. The majority of respondents highlighted the positive impact of automation on employee well-being. Specifically, 54 percent emphasised that robots eliminate physically demanding or hazardous tasks, while 41 percent cited improved productivity and economic benefits for the organisation. Additionally, 42 percent viewed robotisation as a way for employees to advance to more engaging and lucrative roles, and 25 percent mentioned a decrease in accidents caused by human error.

“Back in 2017 at the Black Hat conference, researchers Billy Rios and Jonathan Butts demonstrated how to hack an automatic car wash and what threat this poses to humans. They studied a PDQ LaserWash automatic car wash system, which can be connected to the internet, and found a way to hijack it. They even showed that it’s possible to slam the bay door into a car, which could endanger not only the vehicle, but also the driver,” said Emad Haffar, Head of Technical Experts at Kaspersky.

“While some individuals and organisations are wary of automatisation and refrain from using it, others adapt their processes to get the most benefits from the newest technologies. As further business digitisation is inevitable, companies around the world need to explore how to make automated solutions more secure and efficient for business needs.”