Posted inNetworkingInfrastructure

Saudi telco Salam signs Open RAN deal with Rakuten Symphony

Rakuten Symphony will offer Salam with their expertise, platforms, and services associated with 4G and 5G Open RAN technology

(LtoR) Tareq Amin, CEO, Rakuten Mobile & Rakuten Symphony, and Ahmed Al-Anqari, CEO, Salam

Saudi-based telecommunications firm Salam and Rakuten Symphony have joined hands in a strategic alliance framework agreement.

Under the agreement, Rakuten Symphony will provide Salam with network planning, implementation, and operation services, as well as Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) technology.

Ahmed Al-Anqari, CEO, Salam, said, “Our strategic alliance with Rakuten will power Salam’s ambition to transform our existing mobile offering with richer customer experiences and unlock new possibilities for Saudi Arabia’s digital generation in support of the Kingdom’s digital transformation journey.”

According to Rakuten Symphony, the partnership will serve as a groundwork for the company to provide its latest software, hardware, service delivery platforms, and managed services in areas of mutual growth such as e-commerce, fintech, online and mobile banking, gaming, streaming, digital content, OTT platform, the metaverse, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Kingdom.

Rakuten Symphony will offer Salam with their expertise, platforms, and services associated with 4G and 5G Open RAN technology, supporting Salam’s expansion prospects in Saudi Arabia and the broader GCC region.

“We are very excited to collaborate with Salam and share our expertise in Open RAN, mobile and digital value-added services,” said Tareq Amin, CEO of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony.

“We believe that Rakuten Symphony’s network automation and orchestration solutions can empower Salam to innovate in and diversify its mobile network services.”

The signing of the agreement was also witnessed by Eng. Bassam Al-Bassam, Deputy Minister, Telecom & Infrastructure, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Saudi Arabia. This further reiterates Saudi Arabia’s commitment to taking the lead in adopting and advancing technologies as per the ambitious Saudi Vision 2030 objectives.