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UAE-owned AI language model outperforms ChatGPT

Falcon LLM is developed by the AI and Digital Science Research Center’s (AIDRC) AI Cross-Center Unit, the team behind building Noor the world’s largest Arabic language model

UAE-based Technology Innovation Institute (TII), the applied research pillar of Abu Dhabi’s Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC), has launched Falcon LLM, a foundational large language model (LLM) with 40 billion parameters, outperforming ChatGPT 3. 

Falcon LLM is developed by the AI and Digital Science Research Center’s (AIDRC) AI Cross-Center Unit, the team behind building Noor the world’s largest Arabic language model. The Falcon LLM 40B model is trained on one trillion tokens, uses only 75 percent of GPT-3’s training compute, 40 percent of Chinchilla’s, and 80 percent of PaLM-62B’s.

Today’s LLMs have the ability to generate creative text, solve complex problems, and offer significant benefits to billions of people. It can be used in a wide range of applications, such as chatbots, virtual assistants, language translation, content generation, and sentiment analysis.

In addition, LLMs have the potential to help businesses to streamline their customer service operations by providing efficient and effective responses to customer inquiries.

“The year 2023 is turning out to be the year of AI. Falcon LLM is a landmark announcement for us, but this is just the beginning. By the end of the year, we will be sharing news on a huge increase in capabilities in this space,” said Dr. Ray O. Johnson, CEO, TII.

“We understand that this is the start of a momentous journey. We will press on to give this region its own AI success stories, well-aligned with the UAE’s National AI Strategy.”

Prof. Mérouane Debbah, Chief Researcher, AI and Digital Science Research Centre, noted that the innovation will have significant impact on sectors such as healthcare, education, film production and CGI. “As the country continues to develop and diversify its economy, this is an important milestone in the field. Falcon LLM model is just the start of a new journey.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Ebtesam Almazroui, Director, AI Cross-Center Unit at AIDRC, and project lead of LLMs emphasised that the achievement serves as a testament to the UAE’s forward-thinking approach and the importance it places on innovation and technology.