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Facebook-verified accounts lure users to click on harmful links

Hackers have reportedly exploited verified Facebook pages by impersonating the platform and creating pages with names that sound authentic

Facebook, a widely used social media platform, has encountered several hacks that have put verified pages at risk, leading to the spread of malware via ads that were backed and acquired through the platform.

Fake accounts and malicious links

Hackers have reportedly exploited verified Facebook pages by impersonating the platform and creating pages with names that sound authentic, such as ‘Meta Ads’ and ‘Meta Ads Manager’. Such pages post malicious links to thousands of followers.

Social media consultant Matt Navarra, recently shared a screenshot that shows a fake message received from a verified account impersonating as ‘Meta Ads’.

Facebook accounts are vulnerable to hacker attacks through ads that disseminate malware via links to malicious websites or files. These links may appear authentic, making it essential to exercise caution when clicking on any link within Facebook.

Another scam involves a supposed ‘Meta Ads Manager’ warning social media managers that they can no longer handle ad accounts on the browser due to a ‘security issue.’ They subsequently provide a download link to enable users to download a new Manager tool that is asserted to be a ‘more professional and secure tool.’

What you need to know

To protect yourself against these kinds of scams, it is crucial to exercise caution and remain vigilant for accounts that may be pretending to be Facebook or any other reputable organisation. Always confirm the account name and handle to ensure that it is legitimate.

It is also advisable to refrain from clicking on links if there is any doubt about their authenticity. Always hover over the link to check its destination and click on links only from reliable sources.

Finally, Having anti-malware software installed on your device is essential to safeguard your Facebook account from malware scams and hacking attempts. This software can identify and eliminate dangerous software, viruses, and other types of malware before they can harm your device or jeopardise your Facebook account.

AI-based scam

Last week, Meta issued a warning against the widespread presence of fraudulent ChatGPT malware, which aims to compromise user accounts and take control of business pages.

Meta’s security professionals have detected nearly ten iterations of malware disguised as AI chatbot tools, including ChatGPT, starting from March. A few of these appear as web browser extensions and toolbars, accessible in official web stores without any specification.

The report revealed that threat actors have designed malicious browser extensions that pretend to provide ChatGPT-related tools. In an attempt to evade detection from both stores and users, some of these extensions even have operative ChatGPT features in addition to the malware.

A recent security report by the Facebook owner revealed that it detected and prevented the sharing of over 1,000 such malicious URLs through its apps. The company also noted that they have already informed their counterparts in the industry regarding the file-sharing services that hosted the malware to take necessary action.