Posted inNetworkingInfrastructure

10 Tips to stay safe while using public Wi-Fi

Make the best out of free Wi-Fi safely

Connectivity is paramount and Wi-Fi has become our digital lifeline. The call of free Wi-Fi is undeniable – it offers instant communication, productivity, and entertainment without dipping into our data plans. But little do we know that it is like a siren’s song inviting death.

While the temptation to indulge in the freedom of free Wi-Fi is hard to resist, it is possible to navigate this web of connectivity with caution. From malicious actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities to the potential compromise of sensitive information, the risks associated with public networks are numerous. However, there are practical and proactive steps one can take to ensure a secure online experience, even when forced to use these networks.

Here are ten tips with which one can stay safe while using public Wi-Fi.

  1. Confirm the network
    Ensure you are connecting to the correct network. Verify the network name, and if possible, check with employees or signage to confirm legitimacy. Stick to well-known networks associated with reputable businesses.
  2. Disable auto-connect
    Turn off automatic connectivity settings on your devices, especially when in unfamiliar places. Manually connect to networks and consider selecting “forget network” after using public Wi-Fi.
  3. Turn off file sharing
    Disable file-sharing options to prevent unauthorised access. Adjust settings in system preferences or control panels to turn off features like AirDrop.
  4. Use a VPN (Virtual Private Network)
    Install a VPN for secure data encryption when using public Wi-Fi. A VPN acts as a protective tunnel, making your data unreadable as it passes through the network. In the UAE, the use of VPN is not considered illegal if it is used in accordance with the guidelines of the Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA).
  5. HTTPS awareness
    Be cautious of websites with “https” in the address bar. Cybercriminals may exploit the public’s trust in secure websites. Verify the legitimacy of emails and links and don’t solely rely on the presence of the lock icon or “https.”
  6. Exercise caution with sensitive information
    Avoid accessing personal bank accounts or sensitive data on unsecured public networks, even with a VPN. Consider using your mobile phone data or a friend’s hotspot for secure financial transactions.
  7. Distinguish between secured and unsecured networks
    Connect to secured public networks whenever possible. Unsecured networks lack security features and may pose risks.
  8. Enable your firewall
    Keep your personal devices’ firewall enabled on public Wi-Fi to act as a barrier against malware. Ensure your firewall is active through system settings.
  9. Install antivirus software
    Use antivirus software to detect and protect against malware threats that may infiltrate your system through shared networks. Regularly update your antivirus definitions to stay ahead of emerging threats.
  10. Implement two-factor authentication
    Enable multi-factor authentication for added security. This additional layer of verification adds an extra step to the login process, significantly improving protection, even if your login credentials are compromised. Consider implementing two-factor authentication for all your online accounts.

In addition to this, regularly delete unnecessary old data to minimise potential risks and refrain from connecting to networks that prompt you to install additional software or browser extensions.
It’s important to note that even with these precautions, using public Wi-Fi is not completely risk-free. While these measures significantly enhance your online security, there is always a level of vulnerability associated with public networks. Therefore, it’s advisable to use public Wi-Fi only when necessary. Remain vigilant and be mindful of potential risks.