Posted inEmergent Tech

NVDIA, to technology fund by UAE, World Governments Summit kicks off with AI focus

World Governments Summit, kicked off in Dubai, with a renewed focus toward technology and AI

On Monday, the 11th edition of the World Governments Summit, kicked off in Dubai, where it hosted thousands of delegates, leaders and experts. The three-day event is focussed towards the promotion of international growth and cooperation and the adoption of emerging technologies.

The event will focus on economic growth, urban expansion, education, healthcare, and food security. However, this year, there is an additional focus on AI by the UAE. The region has launched a $200 million fund with a focus towards the development of technology in different developing regions.

This fund will be financed by the Abu Dhabi Government, and will be overseen by the Advanced Technology Research Council (ATRC). The fund will open technology developed by the region to organisations and governments of developing countries and also look at financing research projects.

Apart from this, Jensen Huang, CEO, NVIDIA, on the first day of the event said today there is a need for each country to build and have its own AI infrastructure. This will help in growing of the economic potential and preservation of one’s culture. However, Huang added that while there is a need to regulate AI, the dangers can also seem to be overblown. However, there also focus on global jobs and AI. Kristalina Georgieva, International Monetary Fund (IMF) chief, stated at that Arab Fiscal Forum, that close to 40 per cent of all global jobs are exposed to AI.

Georgieva added today countries lack the infrastructure and skilled labour needed to harness AI.