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[Women in Tech] Meriam El Ouazzani’s journey into tech with Math

This Women’s Day we spoke to over 20 women leaders in technology understanding their journeys in the sector, challenges they faced, and their advice for women in tech. In this story we feature Meriam El Ouazzani, Regional Director, META, SentinelOne

Meriam El Ouazzani, Regional Director, META, SentinelOne

Meriam El Ouazzani’s journey into technology was spurred by her father’s belief in her mathematical prowess, igniting a passion for problem-solving and numbers from a young age. As she delved deeper into the tech world, she couldn’t ignore the gender gap and saw an opportunity to make a difference by fostering inclusivity and diversity.

“Diversity fuels innovation,” says El Ouazzani. “Encouraging more women in technology brings fresh perspectives and talent to the table, driving positive change.”

Despite facing challenges breaking into the industry, particularly after moving to the Middle East, El Quazzani seized every opportunity to excel. She overcame gender biases and lack of professional networks, securing senior roles through perseverance and proactive learning.

Tell us about what got you interested in technology, why did you choose the space and field of technology?

A combination of factors sparked my interest in technology, but a significant influence was my father’s belief in my potential to excel in this field due to my mathematical capabilities. From a young age, I had a knack for problem-solving and a natural affinity for numbers, which laid a strong foundation for pursuing a career in technology.

Additionally, as I delved deeper into the world of technology, I couldn’t help but notice the disparity in gender representation within the field. The underrepresentation of women in technology became a driving force for me to make a difference and pave the way for more young women to join the industry. I also saw an opportunity to challenge the status quo, break barriers, and contribute to creating a more inclusive and diverse tech community. Diversity fuels innovation, and by encouraging more women to pursue careers in technology, I believe we can bring fresh perspectives, creativity, and talent to the table, ultimately driving positive change and advancements in the field.

Choosing technology as my space was not only a personal passion but also a mission to make a meaningful impact by empowering women and fostering a more inclusive environment within the tech industry. It’s a journey that I’m deeply committed to, and I’m excited to continue making strides toward a more diverse and equitable future in technology.

Could you share your journey in technology, the challenges you faced, and how did you overcome them?

My journey in technology has been both exhilarating and challenging, filled with moments of triumph and obstacles to overcome. Starting from my early days as a student fascinated by the potential of technology to transform lives, to where I am today, each step has been a learning experience.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was breaking into the industry, particularly after moving to the Middle East from Morocco, where the culture was different. I started at HP, where I met some of the best leaders who gave me the opportunity to join a great company. This experience opened many doors for me, including being coached by an amazing leader who believed in my capabilities and provided me with my first opportunities in life. I then moved on to Cisco, one of the top IT companies, where I worked with talented individuals who taught me how to compete, handle failure, and stand strong again. I also had the privilege of learning from unprecedented leaders who showed me the potential to shine brighter than the sun.

Despite my passion and qualifications, I encountered barriers due to my gender and lack of a professional network. It was uncommon for women to manage customer relations, let alone serve as advisors in engineering. However, I refused to let these obstacles deter me. Instead, I seized every opportunity to build my skills, network with industry professionals, and showcase my expertise.

Through perseverance and determination, I secured my first senior role in technology, marking the beginning of an exciting journey. Along the way, I faced challenges such as imposter syndrome, navigating male-dominated environments, and staying updated with rapidly evolving technologies. However, I viewed each challenge as an opportunity for growth, with support from both female and male leaders who highlighted my achievements and celebrated my wins.

I overcame these hurdles by adopting a proactive approach, seeking out mentors for guidance and support, continuously upskilling myself through online courses and certifications, and actively participating in tech communities to expand my network and stay abreast of industry trends.

Furthermore, I remained resilient despite setbacks, viewing them as learning experiences that fueled my determination to succeed. My growing interest in security led me to VMware, where I initiated the NSX channel practice for the Middle East. There, I learned the importance of balancing overt and covert tasks, believing that success for a woman leader requires excelling on both fronts. Subsequently, I joined SentinelOne to be part of a growing cybersecurity company, where I continued to learn from talented individuals and great leaders about building a business, structuring teams, and leading successful go-to-market strategies.

Today, I am proud of how far I’ve come in my technology journey. Every experience, from overcoming obstacles to achieving significant milestones, has shaped me into the professional I am today. As I continue to grow and evolve, I remain committed to making a positive impact in the technology industry and inspiring others to pursue their passions fearlessly.

What is your take on women in technology and how is the landscape changing? What can be done to ensure there are more women in tech roles?

Women in technology play a crucial role in driving innovation and shaping the industry’s future. However, historically, women have been underrepresented in tech roles due to barriers such as gender bias, lack of representation, and systemic challenges. Fortunately, the landscape is gradually changing, with more initiatives emerging to encourage and support women in pursuing tech careers. There is growing recognition of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace, leading to efforts to create more inclusive environments within tech companies.

To ensure more women enter tech roles, we should encourage young girls to explore STEM subjects from an early age and ignite their interest in technology. Providing them with mentorship programs and showcasing successful women in tech can inspire and guide aspiring female technologists along their journey.

Moreover, creating inclusive and supportive workplace cultures where women feel valued, respected, and empowered to thrive is undoubtedly essential. This includes implementing policies like flexible work arrangements and equal pay and acknowledging the exceptional contributions of women without expecting them to settle for less. Also, educating employees about unconscious bias and implementing strategies to mitigate its effects can ensure fairer hiring and promotion processes.  Additionally, encouraging women to join tech communities and professional organizations can provide them with resources, support, and opportunities for career growth.

By collectively implementing proactive measures to support and empower women in technology, we can work towards a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive tech industry. It’s also crucial for male leaders to offer equal opportunities and consider how their actions today impact the future opportunities of their daughters and wives.

What is the biggest obstacle that women in technology face?

The biggest obstacle that women in technology face is the pervasive gender bias and unequal treatment in the workplace, including pay inequality. Despite their qualifications and capabilities, women often have to work twice as hard to be considered for advancements and promotions. Even when they do prove themselves, they still face the expectation to be grateful for simply having a seat at the table. This unequal treatment can lead to feelings of frustration, demotivation, and a lack of recognition for their contributions, exacerbated by disparities in pay compared to their male counterparts.

To overcome this multifaceted obstacle, we need more male leaders to believe in women’s talent and advocate for their advancement within the industry. It’s crucial to ensure that women with the right capabilities are given the opportunities they deserve and are placed in positions where they can thrive. By fostering an environment of equality and meritocracy, addressing pay disparities, and implementing transparent pay practices, we can create a more inclusive and supportive workplace culture where women in technology can excel and reach their full potential.

What advice would you give women who are looking to get into the field of technology?

My advice to women looking to get into the field of technology is simple yet powerful. Take action and pursue your passion for technology. Dive into learning opportunities, seek out internships, and apply for entry-level positions to gain hands-on experience. Continuously strive to expand your skills and expertise. Stay curious, take courses, pursue certifications, and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in technology. It is important to invest in your knowledge.

It is crucial to have confidence in yourself and your abilities. You are capable of achieving great things in the field of technology, so trust in your potential and never doubt your worth. Ignore the naysayers and skeptics. You have the power to defy expectations and overcome obstacles. Stay focused on your goals, persevere through challenges, and prove to yourself and others that you are capable of wonders.

Remember, the journey into technology may have its challenges, but with determination, resilience, and belief in yourself, you can carve out a successful and fulfilling career in this dynamic field.