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Reign of web wrecking worm continues

The Magistr worm continues to reign supreme as the most frequently occurring virus, according to Sophos.

The Magistr worm continues to reign supreme as the most frequently occurring virus, according to Sophos. Close behind the Magistr in June’s top ten was the BadTrans virus.

Still plaguing users around the globe is the Homepage worm, currently ranked number three in the Sophos chart, whilst June also saw the resurgence of the Apology-B virus, which prevents infected users from reaching the websites of many anti-virus vendors and downloading protection.

“June’s virus chart is topped by the highly destructive Magistr worm. This worm has been dominating the top ten for the last three months. It seems that the simple message – don’t open unsolicited attachments – has not yet hammered home,” says Peter Cooper, UK support manager, Sophos Anti-Virus.

“What’s more, the highly publicised Homepage worm is also continuing to infect many people. It seems computer users are still ignoring warnings and have neglected to update their anti-virus protection,” he adds.

794 new viruses were discovered during June, taking the total number discovered by Sophos up to a whopping 64,894.