Posted inNetworking

Ciena study indicates majority of adults in KSA and UAE seek energy-efficient and futuristic internet

Ciena research explores how sustainability, connected industries, and always-on connectivity are driving the digital landscape in the two GCC countries

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The latest research from Ciena has discovered that majority of adults in the UAE (54%) and KSA (57%) believe the future of the internet will be driven by the desire to become more energy efficient.

According to the research, 94% in each of the two countries is considering doing more activities virtually to reduce their carbon footprint. Among the new initiatives, working remotely is the most popular— 52% in the KSA and 42% in the UAE.

When it comes to other categories like healthcare appointments or attending meetings or conferences virtually, these countries score over the global average.

New technologies, including IoT and 5G, have the potential to increase energy efficiency and the research indicates the two GCC countries are ready to embrace more connected devices.

While IoT and smart devices are contributing to a cleaner and greener planet, over 90% of respondents in the KSA and the UAE see the benefits they are set to bring, with convenience and easier lifestyle, and improved efficiency cited amongst the top.

Azz-Eddine Mansouri, general manager, Ciena Middle East, said, “The UAE and KSA are ahead of the curve in adopting new technologies such as 5G and connected devices. Sustainability goals and ecological concerns drive internet user behaviour in the Middle East.

“There is a deep desire to create an energy-efficient world through smart devices, connected industries, and new applications. This is underpinned by the local governments’ sustainability agendas as part of the UAE’s Vision 2021 and KSA’s Vision 2030.”

To gain better network performance and speed, three-fourths of adults in both the countries confirmed they are planning to upgrade their internet within the next 24 months. In fact, a whopping 85% in the KSA and 74% in the UAE believe they will have better access to the internet when 5G is widely available.

As the home has now become the remote office for many, and at times a school, the reliance on the network is more crucial than ever. Over a third of those surveyed say they will work remotely in some form after Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, and 41% in KSA and 35% in the UAE feel improved efficiency will be one of the key benefits to derive from connected devices.

The desire for reliable connectivity, ultra-low latency, and improved speeds underscores the need for networks that can handle the growing pressures of new applications, services, and tools.

The need for constant connectivity is reflected in the way we are using the internet, with mobile phones handily outranking laptops and desktops as the most-used device, as cited by 61% of respondents in the KSA and 51% in the UAE.

Respondents also state that the most valuable part of the internet is that it keeps them connected with friends and family (through social media, virtual calls etc.) (34%)), followed by 24/7 access to information (nearly 30%).