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Infovista enhances Ipanema SD-WAN to a full-fledged cloud-native platform

The flexible consumption-based licensing model of Ipanema SD-WAN aligns with the evolving requirements of businesses and channel partners, said the company

Industries vital for COVID-19 response hit with an uptick in cloud cyber-attacks
Industries vital for COVID-19 response hit with an uptick in cloud cyber-attacks

Infovista has introduced its next generation Ipanema SD-WAN platform.

The new upgraded solution is designed to deliver different workloads and applications faster and more securely across conventional Wide Area Networks and multiple cloud service providers, said the company.

The Ipanema SD-WAN platform allows critical applications to dynamically adapt to real-time conditions of the network while prioritising prevailing business imperatives.

It provides a robust foundation for any managed network service, leveraging high levels of automation established between multiple cloud instances and multi-cloud on-ramp features.

“Our next generation SD-WAN platform is a definitive cloud-first enabler. This is more than a ‘feature release’ because with this launch, we shift SD-WAN to a truly on-demand service that can be deployed, consumed, and scaled like any other cloud service,” said Kristian Thyregod, President of Ipanema, Infovista.

Ipanema SD-WAN’s transformative capabilities are delivered in strategic partnerships with CheckPoint and Equinix.

Key integrations with Equinix and Check Point Software form an innovative full cloud-native SD-WAN platform licensed through a consumption-based model, enhancing business agility and time-to-market requirements.

The complete platform encompasses Equinix ECX Fabric, the Software Defined Interconnect (SDI) solution that fuels ‘CloudMesh’ functionality, focused on delivering automated low-latency full-mesh and multi-cloud connectivity.

The Ipanema SD-WAN platform also comprises Check Point Harmony Connect, Check Point’s Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) solution, which delivers powerful cloud-based Network Security that lays the foundation for ‘EdgeSentry’ capabilities.

Thyregod added, “Throughout 2020, companies and organisations had to rethink their networks to be able to secure acceptable levels of business continuity. At Infovista, we carefully observed the shifts in requirements triggered by the pandemic. Obviously, the need for continuous flexibility, agility and security rose to the top of the list when connecting people, applications, services, and locations in sometimes entirely different ways than business as usual.

“Our SD-WAN platform fully supports these requirements and the strategies of companies both in terms of leveraging cloud-based technologies first and consuming advanced SD-WAN capabilities ‘as-a-service’”.

Ipanema SD-WAN platform’s capabilities simplify the operational and commercial processes for the company’s channel partners while also offering flexible procurement options to their customers aligned with Capex/Opex expectations.

The strategic partnerships with both Equinix and Check Point Software allow Infovista’s channel partners to move IP network traffic dynamically into an advanced, cloud-based edge security platform.

This platform offers a low-latency cloud-based mesh, which enables pulling sites and multi-cloud destinations together on-demand that can also carry out advanced security and software defined network routing functions.

“We are creating a single stack to enable our channel partners to deliver a comprehensive yet easy-to-build, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-operate service using a single platform, with a single management interface and a single bill that includes a full suite of security solutions and multi-cloud connectivity. All built-in from day one,” said Thyregod.