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Aspiring toward 10 Gigabit ultra broadband networks in the region

SAMENA Council recently advocated the necessity of building ultra-broadband, 10Gigabit fixed networks in the region

SAMENA Council recently advocated the necessity of building ultra-broadband, 10Gigabit fixed networks in the region to catalyse an unprecedented level of socio-economic development and industrial integration in the region. A new edition of the Council’s SAMENA ACCELERATOR was held in this regard to highlight the requirement.

The 2023 SAMENA ACCELERATOR built upon the 2021 edition, which primarily focused on improving fiberisation policies, addressing regulatory challenges, and promoting the shift towards the IPv6 transition. This year, the focus shifted to ultra-broadband or “10Giga” networks, presenting a compelling case for the adoption of advanced Fibre and IPv6 technologies to catalyse digital economic development in the region.

Lin Yanqing Principal consultant, industry policy, public & government affairs Huawei Technologies

Why the 10 Gigabit project

The 10 Gigabit project is a catalyst for digital economic development. It has the potential to create a substantial economic impact beyond providing simple internet access. Robust, high-speed fixed-line networks, powered by advanced Fibre and IPv6 technologies, are fundamental to national digital transformation. These networks are also essential for the growth of communities, businesses, and the fulfillment of ambitious ICT visions.

The 10 Gigabit project also paves the way for industrial and societal transformation. It can leverage the power of technology to bring about meaningful change. The SAMENA Council emphasises that 10 Gigabit networks will enable regional markets to transition towards the “10Giga Society,” setting the stage for a brighter digital future.

Technologies for the 10 Gigabit project dream

“The contribution of technologies is pivotal in realising the goal of achieving 10 Gigabit networks. Specifically, Wi-Fi 6 which introduces new features that promise speeds of up to 1.7 Gbps, all the way to the access point. Moreover, in terms of aggregation and backhaul, we’re witnessing advancements that support connections of 400 or even 800 Gbps. This substantial bandwidth is crucial for enabling 10 Gbps speeds,” said Lin Yanqing Principal consultant, industry policy, public & government affairs Huawei Technologies.

Yanqing further added that IPv6 deployment across the entire network is another essential component to enable various new services, including the challenging task of 5G network slicing without IPv6. Additionally, artificial intelligence plays a vital role in optimising future networks for maximum efficiency and an enhanced user experience.

“The sustainability aspect is also critical, as many countries are committed to green transitions. The industry must focus on utilising these technologies to enhance network efficiency and reduce power consumption. Fibre technology emerges as a clear and sustainable solution to this challenge,” said Yanqing.


During the event, Bocar BA, CEO and Board Member of SAMENA Council, also outlined the significance of fixed-line networks as the backbone of digital transformation. He stressed that these networks are crucial for resilient communication and achieving national digital visions. Furthermore, with the evolution of mobile systems to 5G-Advanced and IP bearer networks to Net5.5G, technological capabilities are instrumental in supporting the transition to a 10 Giga Society. Timely policy, regulatory, and business decisions were highlighted as essential to achieve this transition successfully.

The SAMENA Council acknowledged the need for the region and neighbouring areas to align with economies experienced in digital transformation. Drastic steps, including broadband development and IPv6 transformation, are vital to accelerate the transition to “10 Gigabit” networks.

With the “Gigabit society” concept already in place in developed countries, the event sowed the seeds for the 10 Gigabit society concept in the region.