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AMD, Baidu join forces to advance GPU Computing in data centres

The two companies will collaborate on open standards-based innovations to optimise applications for AMD Radeon

AMD previews high-performance server processor
AMD previews high-performance server processor

Chip maker AMD and Baidu signed a collaboration focused on optimising software for AMD Radeon Instinct GPUs in Baidu data centres.

“AMD is the only company with the capability to deliver both the high-performance GPUs and CPUs required to power the next generation of cloud data centers,” said Forrest Norrod, senior vice president and general manager, Enterprise, Embedded and Semi-Custom at AMD.

“Together, AMD and Baidu will leverage the two companies’ technology and software engineering capabilities to create a comprehensive and open ecosystem to address the growing demand for data centre workloads and provide more intelligent human-computer interaction.”

Liu Chao, senior director at Baidu’s System Technologies Department, said: “As the provider of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and data centre solutions, Baidu has always embraced innovation and creative solutions. In July, Baidu announced a complete open AI strategy, launching the conversational-based DuerOS and Apollo autonomous driving open platforms at the inaugural Baidu Create AI Developer Conference.”

Chao said with open minds and win-win thinking, Baidu and industry partners work together to create a prosperous worldwide AI ecosystem to ‘let everyone get more’.

“We are delighted to work with AMD to introduce AMD Radeon Instinct products into our data centre and AI programme, to build a more flexible and powerful computing platform that empowers AI products and accelerates the development of the global industry.”