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Google fires employees in popular mapping app Waze

The company is integrating Waze’s advertising system with Google Ads technology

Alphabet-owned Google has announced its decision to trim down the workforce at popular mapping app Waze. The company is integrating Waze’s advertising system with Google Ads technology, although specific details regarding the extent of the layoffs were not disclosed.

Google stated, “In our pursuit of creating a superior and seamlessly integrated experience for Waze advertisers in the long run, we have initiated the process of transitioning Waze’s existing advertising system to Google Ads technology. As part of this update, we have downsized positions primarily focused on Waze Ads monetisation.” It’s worth noting that Google acquired Waze for approximately $1.3 billion back in 2013.

Last December, Google had announced plans to merge the teams of Waze and Google Maps, streamlining operations and incorporating it into the Google Geo division. This division encompasses an array of real-world mapping products such as Google Maps, Google Earth, and Street View.

CNBC was the first to report this news, citing an email from Chris Phillips, the leader of the Geo division at Google. He revealed that Google intends to notify advertisers and partners about this transition on Wednesday.

Mass layoffs

Earlier this year, Google CEO Sundar Pichai made a significant announcement regarding a workforce reduction of 12,000 employees, for which he assumed “full responsibility.”

In an email to the staff, Pichai stated, “I regret to share some challenging news. We have made the decision to reduce our workforce by approximately 12,000 positions. Employees in the United States who are affected have already received a separate email. Due to varying local laws and practices, the process will take longer in other countries.”

Pichai acknowledged that this meant bidding farewell to highly talented individuals whom the company had worked hard to recruit and enjoyed collaborating with. He expressed deep remorse for this outcome and shouldered complete accountability for the decisions that led to this point.

The CEO assured employees that Google would provide unwavering support during this difficult transition. Specifically, affected employees in the United States would receive their full salary during the notice period, a severance package beginning at 16 weeks’ salary, with an additional two weeks’ compensation for each year of service at the company. Furthermore, they would be entitled to bonuses and other benefits as outlined in their respective contracts. Outside the United States, employees would receive compensation in accordance with their country’s laws.

However, several months later, discontent among Google employees emerged as they sent emails to Sundar Pichai, urging him to improve the handling of the layoffs situation. The letter also emphasised the employees’ request for the CEO to honour the payment of pre-approved time off without any reconsideration.