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KPMG brings together the power of three with Microsoft, Informatica and Snowflake

Snowflake, Informatica and Microsoft technologies can help unify, integrate, analyse and share previously siloed data with a near-zero management platform.

Fady Kassatly, Partner at KPMG Lower Gulf

KPMG Lower Gulf announced a strategic partnership with Microsoft, Informatica and Snowflake to enable clients to leverage their data, with artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and other new technologies to deliver growth, efficiency, and competitive advantage.

KPMG will work with Snowflake, Informatica and Microsoft to deliver a business and data maturity assessment, and then move on to providing the tools, technologies, and methodologies to support this enterprise data transformation. The strategic and technical partnerships between KPMG, Microsoft, Informatica and Snowflake provide a high level of trust and confidence in building a scalable, reliable and integrated solution that is seamless and interoperable. Furthermore, the data will reside on the local UAE data centres of Microsoft, thereby adhering to the UAE local data, security, and privacy compliance requirements.

Snowflake, Informatica and Microsoft technologies can help unify, integrate, analyse and share previously siloed data with a near-zero management platform, thus delivering virtually unlimited scalability, concurrency and high availability.

Fady Kassatly, Partner at KPMG Lower Gulf, said: “We are excited to announce this new partnership, which has the potential to transform businesses and make them more competitive. Data is the new gold, but despite huge investments in AI and other technologies, many companies are still struggling to leverage it to its full potential. However, if they fundamentally reimagined their relationship with data, they will discover how digital transformation can help drive real competitive advantage.”

“Our strategic partnership with Snowflake, Informatica and Microsoft Azure will provide organizations with a high level of trust and confidence in building scalable, reliable and integrated solutions.”

According to the International Data Corporation, 64% of organisations across the UAE are currently engaged in initiatives where cloud capability is a foundational pillar for success. KPMG’s strategic partnership with Snowflake, Informatica and Microsoft will serve this growing market to leverage new technologies to drive economic growth.