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Lenovo reveals validated net zero targets

The company is one of only 139 companies globally to have a validated net-zero target

Lenovo has become the first PC and smartphone manufacturer to have its strategy to become carbon neutral by 2050 validated by the Science Based Targets initiative, a collaboration of the UN Global Compact, CDP, and World Wide Fund for Nature.

The company is one of only 139 companies globally to have a validated net-zero target.

Lenovo is using a scientific, collaborative, and accountable method to cut emissions by collaborating with SBTi and adhering to their Net-Zero Standard, the first of its kind globally.

“As a global technology leader, Lenovo has been committed to reducing its emissions for more than a decade,” said Lenovo Chairman Yuanqing Yang. “In the fight against climate change, we believe collaboration and accountability are the two critical elements needed for collective success. We remain dedicated to following climate science, standardising our measurements, and seeking ongoing validation for our targets and progress.” 

SBTi plays a crucial role in ensuring that companies are held accountable for their emissions reduction efforts. By aligning their goals with the SBTi’s standards, companies can track their progress towards reaching a net-zero target. This is made possible by the SBTi’s standardisation of what net-zero means in relation to limiting global warming. Additionally, the SBTi’s standard is dynamic and adapts to the collective efforts of companies and the changing climate. This creates a level of accountability that extends beyond any one leader or company, ensuring consistency and responsibility even as leadership changes over time.

 “Climate science tells us that we need rapid and deep emissions cuts if we are to achieve global net-zero and prevent the most damaging effects of climate change,” said Luiz Amaral, Chief Executive Officer of the Science Based Targets initiative.

“Lenovo’s net-zero targets match the urgency of the climate crisis and set a clear example that their peers must follow.”

Net zero by 2050

As part of its strategy, Lenovo commits to reach net-zero GHG emissions across the value chain by FY2049/2050.

Lenovo aims to reduce GHG emissions by 50 percent for scope 1 and 2 by FY2029/2030 (compared to FY2018/2019). It also intends to cut scope 3 emissions from sold products by 35 percent and from purchased goods and services by 66.5 percent per million US dollars of gross profit. Additionally, Lenovo plans to decrease scope 3 emissions from upstream transportation and distribution by 25 percent per tonne-km of transported product within the same timeframe.

Lenovo plans to reduce its GHG emissions by 90 percent by FY2049/50 compared to its FY2018/19 baseline. Lenovo adopts the science-based approach to emissions reduction and received approval for its 2030 emissions reduction goals in 2020.

The company is focused on reducing the environmental impact of its products, using innovation to increase sustainability in manufacturing, and reducing emissions throughout its operations and value chain. Lenovo is sharing its journey towards net-zero in its Journey to Net-Zero video series. Its emissions data will support global efforts to limit climate change as outlined in the Paris Agreement. Many companies worldwide are aligning their emissions reduction goals with the SBTi’s science-based methodology and validation processes.