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Revealed: 10 tech CEOs with the highest bonus payments

While it’s no surprise that CEOs often receive substantial bonuses, a recent analysis has shed light on which executives have amassed the most substantial earnings over the past five years.

The study conducted by financial analysis firm The Stock Dork examined the bonus payments received by CEOs of the top 50 market cap companies over the last five years, revealing some astonishing figures.

Elon Musk, Tesla Inc: At the forefront of this list is the charismatic CEO of Tesla Inc, Elon Musk. Musk’s jaw-dropping average yearly bonus stands at an astonishing $456.7 million. This remarkable figure was significantly boosted by a monumental one-time stock option bonus of $2.23 billion awarded to Musk in 2018, marking the largest CEO bonus payment in history.

Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc: Alphabet Inc’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, secured the second position with an average yearly bonus of $98.9 million. Pichai’s compensation is a blend of cash and stock, with $10 million in cash and $42.2 million in stocks in 2022 alone.

Andy Jassy, Andy Jassy, CEO of Inc, claimed the third spot with an average bonus of $53.4 million per year. His largest recent bonus was a whopping $211 million in stock options in 2021.

Safra Catz, Oracle: With an annual average bonus of $50.8 million, the Oracle CEO holds the fourth spot. In 2022, Catz received an impressive $129 million in stock options. It’s worth noting that stock awards constitute a significant portion of her compensation, underscoring Oracle’s commitment to its long-term growth strategy.

Tim Cook, Apple: Apple CEO, Tim Cook, secured the fifth position with an average yearly bonus of $43.9 million. Cook’s compensation package also heavily relies on stock awards, aligning his interests with those of shareholders. In 2022, he received $82 million in stocks.

Satya Nadella, Microsoft: In the sixth position is the Microsoft chief with an annual average bonus amounting to $41.2 million.

Intel’s Patrick P. Gelsinger is the seventh tech CEO in the list with an annual bonus totaling $37.2 million. Followed by Shantanu Narayen, the CEO of Adobe with an average annual bonus of $34.9 million, and AMD’s Lisa Su with a yearly bonus of $30.6 million.

These bonus payments received by tech CEOs highlight not only the immense wealth generated by their companies but also the significant wage disparities within these tech giants. While these CEOs argue that their compensation is justified by the unique responsibilities and pressures of their roles, it also raises concerns about fairness, equity, and income inequality within these corporations.

The Stock Dork’s analysis included data from the most recent financial statements, SEC filings, and public annual reports, with market cap data accurate as of September 7. It’s worth noting that while some CEOs, like Mark Zuckerberg of Meta Platforms, have chosen symbolic $1 salaries, they often receive substantial compensation through other means, such as stock awards and performance-related rewards.

As these findings come to light, they add fuel to the ongoing debate about executive compensation and income inequality, further emphasising the challenges faced by companies in balancing the attraction of top leadership talent with broader social and economic implications.

Please note that while The Stock Dork’s comprehensive list encompassed CEOs from various industries, this article focuses exclusively on the top 10 tech CEOs with the highest bonuses on the ranking.