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Six steps to becoming a customer-centric organisation

Executives and managers at all levels should never stop talking about CX and the customer-centric mindset

Mark Ackerman, area VP for MEA, ServiceNow

For organisations across the region, the customer-loyalty story is one of many characters. Some are the visionaries who look to the future and understand what their customers are looking for in a brand. There may be overlap between these visionaries and the decision-making executives that greenlight business-transformation initiatives. And then there is the frontline employee, who must be sufficiently trained and motivated to execute the vision day after day in real-time interactions.

Throughout the pandemic, shoppers across the Emirates could see the efforts being made to capture their attention, keep it, and monetise it. In the F&B industry alone, brands like Good Basket, Barakat Fresh and Kibsons competed through discounts, introductory offers, and loyalty schemes. Other innovators reinvented their entire business models. Emirates Catering created Foodcraft, an e-business that delivered recipe kits and oven-ready meals, to ensure the company’s staff could be retained.

Studies show employees of customer-centric organisations tend to have greater job satisfaction and perform better. Which is good news, because employees are the foundation of customer-centric cultures, even if their role is not customer-facing. Each employee must understand the customer — who they are, what they want, and what their most common problems are. Here are the six proven steps to building a corporate culture that always puts the customer first.

Start by measuring your current customer centricity

Employee-engagement surveys are a time-honoured way to get detailed information on what is working and what is not. By the end of the survey, you should know the extent of employees’ knowledge on how they contribute to the customer experience. You should know if managers consider the customer when they make decisions. And you should have feedback from employees on how well they believe the company treats customers.

Do not hesitate to pose questions that have free-response answers so employees can make suggestions for change. Customer-experience maturity assessments can also elicit information from your organisation’s senior experts. At this stage, the brainstorming has already begun.

Create a vision

Once you have results from the assessment, the most senior managers can now sift through the findings and identify opportunities for customer experience (CX) improvement. It is essential that the C-suite be willing to pivot from an internal focus on operations and processes to a customer-first strategy — a McKinsey survey points out that prioritising the customer, along with improvements in operations and technology can positively impact customer and employee satisfaction and the bottom line.

Set goals and expectations

By now, word will have reached everybody that change is coming. This is the time for setting goals and managing expectations. Cultures are embedded in the corporate DNA, at the management, team, and individual level. Beyond its people, an organisation’s culture is embedded in its processes and even its technology.

There is a lot to change, so start with the people involved in annual planning and corporate strategy. Budget priorities must align with CX needs, and strategy goals must be reinforced with measurement of customer-interaction outcomes. HR should use these measurements as the foundation of KPIs.

Make empathy a priority

Employees must be exposed to the customer experience, so they become aware of the pain points of the journey. Organisations should invite customers to team and company events to tell their stories and keep employees focused.

Customer-experience insights should be shared with all employees, either face-to-face at meetings or through online dashboards and reports. Employees should have access to physical and virtual training spaces, and non-customer-facing employees should shadow sales and support teams to see the process in action.

Communicate, communicate, communicate

An internal strategic communications plan is vital to keep customer-centricity alive. Keep sharing information and issue bulletins on success stories. Executives and managers at all levels should never stop talking about CX and the customer-centric mindset. They should never act like the transition is over and the destination has been reached. The new culture should be an ongoing journey in which customer-centric metrics are continually updated and shared. The goals and progress of the original vision should also be discussed regularly. The goals and results of CX metrics should be treated as equally relevant next to revenues and profits.

Part of the ongoing communication should be the celebration of those employees that have done best in grasping the vision and executing it. Formal recognition programs should both highlight their behaviors and leverage them to train other employees. Their stories can also be shared externally as a means to recruit others trained in customer-centricity.

Recruit employees that have customer-centric mindsets

Now that the current workforce is customer-focused, it is time to look further. The success that enhanced CX will bring is going to lead to growth, which requires expansion of the workforce to ensure customer-centricity can continue. HR should look for ready-made customer-centric candidates. This will lead to less of a learning curve when the successful party is onboarded. As with current employees, the role is irrelevant. All candidates should be screened on the basis of their empathy and CX credentials.

Journey not a sprint…

Building new cultures takes time and effort. But with CX, it is worth it. The gains, however, can diminish if an organisation relaxes and thinks the job is done and the culture is embedded. A commitment to continuous improvement is required to ensure the customer-centric mindset does not shake loose. Do not allow sky-high net-promoter scores to make you over-confident. Be vigilant and repeat the mantra: “Customer first”.