Posted inCOP28

Kuwait Fund to showcase environmental initiatives at COP28 in Dubai

The Kuwait Fund will be present at the State of Kuwait’s pavilion

As the UAE prepares to host the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change from November 30th to December 12th, 2023, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development has revealed its active involvement in this eagerly awaited gathering.

The Kuwait Fund is set to play a pivotal role at COP28, aligning its initiatives with Kuwait’s dedication to realising the goals of the ‘New Kuwait 2035’ vision. This ambitious vision places a strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, and the Kuwait Fund’s participation underscores its commitment to addressing the challenges of climate change.

At the heart of COP28 is the evaluation of global progress in the fight against climate change and the establishment of obligations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The conference serves as a crucial platform for addressing the pressing issues of the growing energy crisis and record concentrations of greenhouse gases.

Within the framework of COP28, the Kuwait Fund will take centre stage at the State of Kuwait’s pavilion, presenting a series of lectures that highlight its groundbreaking initiatives in renewable energy, the water sector, and sustainable agriculture. These lectures not only showcase Kuwait’s commitment to environmental sustainability but also contribute valuable insights to the global discourse on climate change solutions.

“The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development recognises COP28 as a crucial platform for sharing experiences, knowledge, and emphasising innovative solutions to address climate change and achieve sustainable development goals,” remarked a spokesperson from the Kuwait Fund.

As the international community gathers in Dubai for COP28, the spotlight will undoubtedly be on collaborative efforts to confront current and future environmental challenges. The Kuwait Fund’s active involvement reaffirms the importance of joint initiatives and underlines the conference’s role as a catalyst for global cooperation in the face of climate change.