Posted inEmergent Tech

Turkey uses AI to amp up the healthcare sector

‘Electronic noses’ use AI to detect covid-19 in Turkey

All-new Discovery Special on Coronavirus to air on March 31
All-new Discovery Special on Coronavirus to air on March 31

Healthcare authorities worldwide have adopted digital monitoring tools to keep infections at bay. With countries increasingly using dynamic med-tech, a new wave of innovation can be observed with locals coming up with devices that can identify quick results by identifying covid symptoms.

The Middle East observed devices and breathalysers capable of detecting covid-positive patients by mere changes in their voice. With hassle-free methods being developed, Turkey has created a prototype to flag infections with the help of AI.

By using a gadget similar to an electric nose, the method involves blowing air inside balloons. The samples are then diverted towards the device, generating data compared with existing PCR results to identify covid accurately.

AI is increasingly being used across the healthcare sector to compare outcomes with sensors identifying cancer and tuberculosis. This has enabled quicker diagnosis with medical workers conducting tests in public spaces such as malls and schools.

A simple modification will require information on grave ailments from patients, process via machine learning to upgrade the system, enabling doctors to fight other diseases.

Scientists in the past had started off using innovative technology to check the health of bees. Taking up this project during covid-19 enabled them to create a mechanism that is 90% accurate in spotting infections.

Abu Dhabi has also introduced portable scanners which can quickly pinpoint infections, directing people to get a PCR test to ensure public safety.