Posted inEmergent TechSecurity

ChatGPT still down, OpenAI suspects DDoS attack

OpenAI says its teams are working diligently to resolve the underlying issues causing the ChatGPT outages

It’s been a bumpy couple of days for ChatGPT users as the conversational AI has suffered through multiple significant outages. The initial issues began late Tuesday night when the platform went down for over 90 minutes, leaving many helpless to chat with their favorite digital assistant.

While ChatGPT eventually came back up, the relief was short-lived. Outages have persisted on and off since, with connection and loading problems continuing to plague the site. According to real-time outage tracking sources, issues have been reported from users worldwide.

OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, acknowledged “abnormal traffic” as the likely culprit. In a status update, they mentioned signs potentially pointing to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack flooding their servers with junk requests. However, others theorise the traffic surge could simply be strong enthusiasm for ChatGPT’s new features.

The company said engineers were implementing internal fixes while carefully monitoring the impact, a process that successfully resolved previous issues.