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From data to decisions: How AIOps is reshaping IT operations

AIOps is the GPS system for your IT operations

Imagine this: You’re driving a car that’s so smart, it doesn’t just navigate the road – it predicts traffic, auto-corrects your steering, and even takes care of the maintenance. That’s what Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) is doing for IT infrastructure.

AIOps is like the super-smart, ultra-efficient co-pilot for your IT operations. It merges big data and machine learning to automate and improve IT operations tasks.

Here’s what’s happening in the IT world. Christine Ouyang, an analyst at Gartner, says, “By 2025, 50 per cent of new cloud-based IT operations management solutions will incorporate AIOps functionality.”

Sandeep Shrivastava Technical Manager – Digital Business Solutions, GBM

Why is this important? Because IT environments are becoming increasingly complex. Imagine trying to navigate through a dense city with a map from 1990 – frustrating, right? That’s what IT experts are dealing with when they try to manage modern, complex systems with traditional tools.

AIOps is the GPS system for your IT operations. It helps you navigate through the complex landscape of IT systems, applications, and services. It analyses real-time data, identifies patterns, and predicts incidents before they occur.

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Prevention is better than cure”. It applies here too. AIOps can prevent IT outages, which can be a nightmare for businesses. According to an IDC study, the average cost of critical application failure is $500,000 to $1 million per hour. That’s a hefty price for an IT hiccup!

Now, let’s talk about a different perspective. Some folks argue that AIOps is just a fancy term for IT automation. But this isn’t entirely true. While automation is part of the picture, it’s like saying your smartphone is just a phone. It ignores the nuances and the capabilities that AIOps brings to the table.

Here at GBM for most of our key customers, it’s about saving money, saving time, and being able to focus on additional projects right away. In the end, we discuss the worth of our AIOps Solutions with the C-level executives and how to measure the value of the IT department along a spectrum that moves steadily closer to the corporate objectives. When evaluating a service’s return on investment, are the needs it was designed to satisfy being met?

Today, it is exceedingly challenging for CIOs to measure that value. You can focus more on the cost-benefit analysis and business value you’re bringing to the line of business, to the marketing, by spending less time on remedial chores and things you can automate using AI.

So, what’s the next step? If you’re an IT leader, it’s time to seriously consider integrating AIOps into your IT operations. Start small, see the benefits, and then scale up.

As we look ahead, the future of IT operations is clear – it’s AIOps. The question isn’t if you should adopt AIOps, but when. And the answer is now. So, buckle up and get ready for a smoother, smarter journey through your IT operations.