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Your job search just got a lot easier thanks to LinkedIn and AI

The feature will be available to all LinkedIn Premium Subscribers

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, is introducing a generative AI feature for job seekers. The company is piloting a tool that will enable users to send brief, personalized messages to prospective hiring managers on the platform. The feature, which is currently being rolled out to premium subscribers, is expected to revolutionize the way candidates communicate with potential employers.

With the update, users will have the option to select “Let AI draft a message to the hiring team”, alongside open roles on the platform’s job page.

How does it work?

The feature uses information from the user’s profile, the hiring manager’s profile, the job description, and the company of interest to craft a highly personalized message.

How will it look?

The AI-generated message will function like the opening lines of a cover letter, tailored to the specific job listing and company in question. However, the message’s content and structure will depend on the user’s LinkedIn profile and the amount of information provided therein. The company advises that while the tool is designed to be highly customizable, users should still take the time to review and edit the message before sending it.

AI-generated message will function like the opening lines of a cover letter, tailored to the specific job listing and company in question

The benefit to employers:

While the new feature will streamline the job application process for users, it is also expected to benefit employers by enabling them to quickly identify qualified candidates. The AI-generated messages will provide hiring managers with a more detailed and nuanced understanding of a candidate’s qualifications and experience, potentially saving time and resources in the hiring process.

The potential risks

Some experts have raised concerns over the potential impact of AI-generated messages on job seekers. For instance, there is a risk that users will become overly reliant on the tool, leading to a decline in the quality and originality of their messaging. Additionally, there is a possibility that the personalized messages generated by the AI tool will reinforce existing biases in the hiring process.

Despite these concerns, it is believed that the new feature is a testament to the potential of AI in the HR and job-seeking industry. With the rise of machine learning and natural language processing, it is becoming increasingly clear that AI can provide valuable insights and assistance to job seekers and employers alike.

What else is LinkedIn doing with AI?  

The new feature is just one of several AI-driven enhancements that LinkedIn has recently implemented. The platform has also introduced AI writing suggestions for user profiles, enabling individuals to more effectively showcase their skills and experience. Additionally, LinkedIn has unveiled “collaborative articles” that utilize AI-generated text to assist users in crafting engaging content.