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Mckinsey report finds biggest tech trends are clean energy, and mobility

Mckinsey Tech council identified and interpreted 14 of the most significant technology trends unfolding and showcased which of them received the most investments.

In 2021 the most invested in tech trend was Clean-energy solutions

Mckinsey Tech Council in a special report highlights the latest technologies coming into play as well as how much was invested in them in 2021. Mckinsey Tech council identified and interpreted 14 of the most significant technology trends unfolding and showcased which of them received the most investments.

In 2021, the tech trend most invested in was Clean-energy solutions which received $257 billion. Clean-energy solutions help drive toward net-zero greenhouse-gas emissions across the energy value chain, from power generation to power storage and distribution.

Following clean energy was mobility technologies which received $236 billion. This tech trend aims to improve the efficiency and sustainability of land and air transportation of people and goods.

Third on the list was 5G/6G cellular and wireless low power networks that can support a host of digital solutions that can drive growth and productivity across industries. In 2021 $166 billion was invested in this trend.

The third most invested in tech trend was AI (Artificial Intelligence). Mckinsey found that these models trained in machine learning can be used to solve classification, prediction, and control problems to automate activities, add or augment capabilities and offerings, and make better decisions. $165 billion was spent on Applied AI in 2021.

Ofcourse, cloud and edge computing which involves distributing computing workloads across remote data centres and local nodes to improve data sovereignty, autonomy, resource productivity, latency, and security which received investments of $136 billion

Following AI is Web3 which includes platforms and applications that enable shifts toward a future, decentralized internet with open standards and protocols while protecting digital-ownership rights, providing users with greater ownership of their data and catalysing new business models. This tech trend received $110 billion of investments.

Interestingly, the Future of sustainable consumption which involves transforming industrial and individual consumption through technology to address environmental risks, including climate change received $109 billion in 2021.

Other tech trends included bio-engineering which received $72 billion was invested, machine learning $5 billion, immerse reality technologies, $30 billion, Trust architectures and digital identity received $34 billion, Future of space technologies received $12 billion, Quantum technologies received $3 billion and finally next-generation software development  and low-code or no-code platforms received $2 billion.