Posted inEmergent Tech

NASA technology to save Neymar’s FIFA World Cup dream

The Brazilian player is receiving extensive physiotherapy with NASA technology to speed up recovery and get back to FIFA World Cup.

After recently being injured while playing his FIFA World Cup match, Neymar revealed on social media that he is receiving treatment with a compression boot. The apparatus speeds up healing and leverages NASA technology. The boot stimulates blood circulation and incorporates three different massage modalities.

Additionally, it enhances soft tissue and bone healing, increases venous return, lowers swelling, eases pain, lessens muscle exhaustion, flushes out lactic acid buildup, and cramps.

Neymar was taken out against Serbia after appearing to twist his right ankle, but it was later determined that he had sprained it. As a result, he will definitely miss Switzerland’s match and is a big question for the final group match against Cameroon.

Depending on his development and how his national team is performing in terms of qualifying, he may or may not be available for that third game. The Brazilian player, though, is receiving extensive physiotherapy with NASA technology.