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Sam Altman believes ChatGPT has transformed education sector, at WGS Dubai

Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI called ChatGPT one of the most transformative technologies. Altman added that the world is yet to fully phantom the potential and capabilities of AI.

At the 11th edition of the World Governments Summit, held in Dubai, Sam Altman, Co-founder and CEO, Open AI stated the education sector has embraced ChatGPT. He called the language model one of the most transformative technologies. Altman added that the world is yet to fully phantom the potential and capabilities of AI.

In his address, he stated the feedback from the science sector said tools like ChatGPT has made it more productive. Altman’s discussion with Omar Sultan Al Olama, UAE’s minister of state for AI, digital economy and remote work, focussed on how UAE is well placed to be a part of the global system to regulate AI.

“We are going to need I believe some sort of global system, such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, for what happens to the world’s most powerful AI systems. I think for a bunch of reasons, the UAE would be so well set up to be a leader in how to set that up,” said Altman. He added the latest version, ChatGPT 5 is going to be smarter.  

The discussion focussed on more OpenAI’s technology, that will be made open source with time. Altman added they wanted to come up with a different model to the traditional open source. He said, they would like the newer mode to be helpful.

While Altman said, AI dangers is not likely to create killer robots, but slight miscalculations could lead to misalignment in societies, that could cause great harm. He however added, currently things are going right,

“The reason we need to think so hard about how to deploy it so carefully, is the upside is remarkable, it’s easy to imagine how everybody has a better quality of life than they have today. If everybody has access to really high-quality intelligence and everybody can use those tools to create whatever they want to do, that’s pretty amazing.” 

Altman explained the younger generation is coming of age during the development of AI, making them lucky, as they understand technology and are always early adopters. He said the next generation will have careers flooded with opportunities in AI