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Tech on edge/: From childhood tinkerer to tech Innovator: Jessica Constantinidis’ inspiring story

Tech on edge/ episode three with Jessica. Constantinidis, Field Innovation Officer, EMEA ServiceNow.

Tech on edge/

In the third episode of the Tech on edge/ podcast, Jessica Constantinidis, Field Innovation Officer, EMEA ServiceNow, shares her compelling journey from her childhood curiosity to her influential role in shaping the future of business technology.

Growing up, Jessica’s playground wasn’t the typical setting of dolls and toy houses; it was her father’s workshop, filled with tools and materials, allowing her to build whatever her imagination conjured up. From constructing a rabbit hutch to creating intricate gadgets, her early engagement with building things laid the foundation for her lifelong passion for technology.

Jessica’s technological journey took a significant leap forward when, at the age of twelve, she received a Commodore 64. This wasn’t just a gift; it was a portal to a new world. Unlike her peers, Jessica didn’t just use the computer for games. She dismantled it to understand its inner workings and, in doing so, taught herself the basics of programming. This hands-on exploration of technology spurred her curiosity and solidified her path toward a career in technology.

Fast forward to 1998, Jessica’s professional life began with a monumental project: helping to build ISABEL, Belgium’s first online banking system. This role was not merely about coding; it was about understanding the transformative impact of technology on business operations and customer interactions. It was here that Jessica learned how innovative solutions could revolutionize industries.

Today, as the Field Innovation Officer for ServiceNow, Jessica applies her extensive experience and insights to assist companies in transforming their operations through advanced technological applications.

During the podcast, she spoke at length about the rapid evolution of technology, tracing its trajectory from her early days of programming to the sophisticated, AI-driven systems we see today. She elaborated on how businesses can leverage AI to enhance efficiency, predict customer needs, and foster innovation, thereby staying ahead in a competitive market.

Jessica also delved into the future of technology, a topic she is particularly passionate about. She emphasised that AI and machine learning accelerate and drive technological advancement.

In her view, the future will see even deeper technology integration into everyday business practices, transforming how businesses operate, interact with customers, and respond to market dynamics.

This episode of Tech on Edge not only highlighted Jessica’s personal and professional growth but provided a deep dive into the transformative potential of technology in business. Jessica’s insights offer a vision of a future where technology is seamlessly integrated into all business operations, driving innovation and efficiency at unprecedented levels. Her story is a testament to the power of curiosity and innovation, inspiring listeners to consider how to incorporate these advancements into their business strategies.