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UAE unveils new AI chatbot to enhance government services

The new AI platform ‘U-Ask’ is set to revolutionise the way citizens interact with UAE government services, making information readily available in both Arabic and English

The UAE has introduced an exciting addition to its official government portal—a sleek and advanced AI-powered chatbot named “U-Ask.”

This unified platform is set to revolutionise the way citizens interact with government services, making information readily available in both Arabic and English.

Thanks to its clever use of generative AI technology, the U-Ask chatbot consolidates an array of government services into one convenient location. Users can easily access information about service requirements, relevant details tailored to their preferences, and even direct application links. It’s a one-stop shop for all your government-related queries.

Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and The Future, as well as Chairperson of the Higher Committee for Government Digital Transformation, emphasised that the U-Ask platform is a vital tool in advancing the UAE government’s digital initiatives. By integrating and coordinating various projects, the chatbot aims to enhance efficiency and streamline processes.

Al Roumi also highlighted the ongoing efforts of the committee to continuously improve the UAE Government’s digital system. They are dedicated to upgrading the necessary infrastructure and systems, all in pursuit of providing seamless services that truly cater to the people’s needs.

Mohamed bin Taliah, Chief of Government Services for the UAE Government, explained that the U-Ask chatbot offers an easy and flexible means of accessing government services. Its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth and simplified experience for all. This is particularly significant for the UAE, which serves a diverse range of individuals and sectors within and beyond its borders. The 24/7 information and support service offered by U-Ask solidifies the UAE’s global reputation for excellence in providing top-notch government services.

But what makes U-Ask truly stand out is its ability to handle an extensive array of inquiries and requests. From simple information queries to more complex service inquiries, the platform can handle them all. It goes above and beyond by providing comprehensive answers, including essential details and various methods for applying for services.

Developed in collaboration with Microsoft and PwC Middle East, the U-Ask platform goes the extra mile by offering personalised recommendations and suggestions based on users’ preferences and past interactions. It’s like having your very own virtual government assistant.

With the introduction of the U-Ask chatbot, the UAE is taking a giant leap forward in harnessing the power of AI to enhance government services. By leveraging cutting-edge technology and partnerships, the UAE is solidifying its position as a global leader in delivering efficient and user-centric government solutions.