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Empowering the future: Navigating the digital economy

edge’s Digital Future Forum explored how digital technologies are driving economic growth and prosperity in the region

Under the theme, ‘Empowering the Future: Navigating the Digital Economy’, the Digital Future Forum, by edge, was held on the June 21st, 2023 at the Grosvenor House in Dubai Marina.

The Forum was a captivating gathering that explored the realms of global economic competitiveness in the digital era. The event brought together industry leaders, policymakers, and technology enthusiasts to engage in discussions and share insights on laying the foundations for a strong digital economy while paving the way for new opportunities and navigating challenges.

edge’s Digital Future Forum explored how digital technologies are driving economic growth and prosperity in the region. The event also provided attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities and challenges that are shaping the digital economy today, and how they can capitalise on them to drive growth and success in their own organisations. The event hosted a total of five panel discussions, three fireside chats and a keynote session.

One of the key highlights of the forum was the fireside chat with Saeed M. Belhoul, the Director of e-Gov Operations at the UAE Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA).

Belhoul, an eminent figure in the digitalisation landscape, delved into the crucial topic of raising global economic competitiveness in the digital era. During the enlightening conversation,

Belhoul emphasised the significance of establishing a robust digital economy as a fundamental step towards enhancing the nation’s competitiveness on the global stage. Belhoul shed light on the pivotal  role played by the TDRA in shaping policies and strategies that will allow UAE businesses to thrive in the digital era. He discussed the initiatives implemented by the TDRA to ensure that the UAE remains at the forefront of the global digital revolution. He then delved into how the government entity is promoting innovation, fostering partnerships with training organisations, and providing support to businesses through the ICT Fund TDRA.


In the keynote address, Talal Al Hammadi, VP of Air Traffic Development at Dubai Air Navigation Services, shed light on the critical importance of AI in sustaining the future of the country. Focusing specifically on the role of AI in aviation, Al Hammadi highlighted the transformative impact of technology in the aviation industry.

During his address, Al Hammadi emphasised the significant advancements and innovations that AI has brought to the field of aviation. He elaborated on the ways in which AI-powered technologies have improved safety, efficiency, and overall operational effectiveness within the sector.

Fireside chats

The conference also saw Faiza Rahman, the Editor of Oil and Gas Middle East at ITP Media Group, engaged with industry leaders in two thought-provoking fireside chats. The “Forging a Strong Foundation for the Digital Future” fireside chat with Christian Kunz, Chief Strategy, Innovation, and Venture Officer at DIFC, centred around the strategies involved in mapping out the digital future of organisations and the impact of emerging technologies on business innovation and strategies.

Meanwhile, Jeevan Badigari, Head of Cybersecurity at DAMAC, shared insights on the topic of “Digital Ambitions vs. Cyber Resilience”. The discussion focused on the critical task of striking a balance between enabling innovation through digitalisation and ensuring cyber resilience while building the economies of tomorrow.

Panel discussion

In the panel discussion titled “Evolving to Thrive in the Digital Economy”, moderator Arya Devi, Commercial Editor at edge, led a conversation with panellists Arul Jose Vigin, Head of Digital & Data at DIFC Courts; and Hoda A Alkhzaimi, President of the Emirates Digital Association for Women.

The discussion centred around the need for embracing transformation, shifting investment priorities, and the value of public and private sector partnerships in order to flourish in the digital economy.

In another panel discussion titled “CIOs: Leading the Change in the Digital Revolution,” moderator Adelle Geronimo, Editor at edge, facilitated an engaging conversation with Mohammed Yousef Al Mudharreb, CEO of the Corporate Technology Support Services Sector at RTA Dubai; Linoy Kidd, CIO of MENAT HSBC; Supriya Kummamuru, CTO MEA at TCS; and Jamil Shinawi, CEO & Founder of AHOY. The discussion focused on key learnings and visions for CIOs in driving digitalisation, creating new value streams through technology innovation, and effectively adapting to the ever-changing business landscapes.

Up next was the “Innovation Imperative: Business Success in the Age of Digital Transformation” panel discussion. The session hosted Leena Khalil, Co-founder and COO of Mumzworld; Mario M. Veljovic, General Manager at VAD Technologies; and Jamil Shinawi, CEO and Founder of AHOY.

In the panel, they shared their perspectives on driving digital ambitions from the top, unifying digital and business strategies, and exploring new avenues for technology investment. The discussion provided valuable insights in the crucial role of innovation in achieving business success and longevity.

In the panel discussion “Scaling the Enterprise with Low-Code Digital Transformation,” Umesh Moolchandani, CIO of Bin Dasmal Group; and Gigi Thomas, Group Director of IT & Digital Transformation at Ittihad International Investment, came together to explore the future of coding methods and the role of low-code development in accelerating AI adoption to overcome organisational challenges. The session offered a comprehensive understanding about low-code development.

“Workforce in the Digital World: Role of Reskilling and DEI,” moderator Kifaya Abu Thallam, HR Executive Advisor for HR Transformation & Organisation Design, facilitated an engaging conversation on how the digital economy is opening new opportunities and closing gaps in today’s workplaces with Manish Mohan Misra, Group Head of HR Transformation, Digital & Analytics at ENOC; and Suhrid Chaudhuri, Executive VP of Organisation Development, Culture, and Talent at Al Ghurair Investments.