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Oracle CloudWorld 2023: Larry Ellison wants to solve big world problems with AI

“Is generative AI the most important new computer technology ever? Probably,” says Larry Ellison at Oracle CloudWorld 2023

At Oracle CloudWorld 2023, Larry Ellison, the co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Oracle, took center stage to share his profound insights into the transformative power of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) and how it is poised to revolutionise the world.

Ellison’s keynote was marked by his unequivocal endorsement of GenAI as a technological revolution. He likened the impact of this emerging technology to a pivotal moment in history, saying, “ChatGPT has captured our imagination. Most new technology does not capture the attention of heads of state. This is like the Sputnik moment.”

One of the key takeaways from Ellison’s address was the pivotal role GenAI is set to play at Oracle. He affirmed that GenAI is fundamentally changing the way Oracle operates, making AI central to almost every facet of the company’s endeavors. He stated, “Generative AI is a revolution. It is a breakthrough. It’s transformational. It’s fundamentally changing things at Oracle. … This makes AI central to almost everything we’re doing.”

AI: Solving the world’s biggest problems

Ellison offered a glimpse into a future where GenAI plays a pivotal role in solving complex global issues. He highlighted how GenAI stands poised to address some of the world’s most pressing problems, particularly in the domains of healthcare and agriculture.

Healthcare emerged as a primary focus of Ellison’s keynote. He highlighted the integration of GenAI into the healthcare sector, emphasizing that its role is to augment the capabilities of medical professionals rather than replace them. Ellison explained that GenAI is being employed to assist doctors in drafting orders and discharge notes, making their tasks more efficient and streamlined. In his words, GenAI is designed to “make the doctor’s job easier.”

One of the most striking revelations was Oracle’s commitment to harnessing GenAI to address the monumental challenges facing healthcare. Ellison unveiled Oracle’s vision for a unified platform, the Public Health Data Intelligence Platform, which is poised to revolutionize the way healthcare data is managed and utilized. Ellison stated, “We’ve unified national population-scale health data. This is designed to take all of the EHR data for a country, for all the patients for a country, and put it together. All the diagnostic, laboratory data, everything, and put it into a single Oracle autonomous database for the entire population of a country.” This ambitious initiative promises to provide healthcare practitioners with a wealth of data for AI model training, enabling personalized medicine and ultimately delivering better patient outcomes at reduced costs.

The significance of this endeavor cannot be overstated. Ellison explained that by aggregating and continually updating health data for an entire nation, it’s akin to an “endless clinical trial” that keeps generating valuable data for AI models. This abundance of data will empower healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions about therapeutics, resulting in positive outcomes for patients and substantial cost savings.

But healthcare is just one piece of the puzzle. Ellison also outlined how GenAI could be a game-changer in agriculture, addressing resource utilization and environmental concerns. He highlighted the potential for GenAI to optimise the cultivation of crops by reducing water and land requirements and limiting CO2 production. In his words, GenAI, along with autonomous systems and cloud technology, can “reduce the amount of water and land mass required to grow crops and limit CO2 production.”

Addressing data security and privacy

Data privacy and security were key themes throughout Ellison’s address. He emphasised Oracle’s commitment to safeguarding sensitive information in the realm of AI. Ellison assured the audience that within the Oracle Cloud, customers can train and specialize private models with their own data while maintaining data privacy.

Ellison’s keynote address at Oracle CloudWorld 2023 was a testament to Oracle’s dedication to embracing GenAI as a transformative force in the tech industry. With strategic partnerships, a commitment to data privacy, and a vision for the integration of GenAI across various sectors, Oracle is positioning itself at the forefront of the GenAI revolution, and Ellison’s insights provided a compelling glimpse into the company’s future with AI.