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Orange joins forces with technology leaders to launch IoT Continuum

IoT Continuum aims to accelerate deployment of cellular IoT in Europe and beyond to unlock new growth avenues across smart buildings, automotive, health, smart cities and smart manufacturing

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Orange, Sierra Wireless, LACROIX, and STMicroelectronics have established the IoT Continuum – a partnership that aims to simplify and accelerate the mass deployment of IoT in Europe and beyond.

Partners of the IoT Continuum will support international businesses to accelerate the deployment and industrialisation of massive IoT over LTE (including Cat M and Cat 1) and 5G through combined expertise across the entire IoT industry.

A three-step process (‘start, prove, deploy and scale’) has been put in place by the partners to support businesses’ IoT projects on cellular networks, from ideation to industrialisation, without having to liaise with multiple players on the market.

IoT Continuum offers a combination of leading industry players who will improve project risk management for businesses. Customers will be able to join the process at any stage, according to their needs.

As part of these processes, the partners will provide any business and their vertical of choice a set of components and solutions validated on the Orange network, and the necessary industrial tools to deploy wide-scale IoT services on cellular networks.

They will reduce the complexity, development time and cost for businesses to realise IoT use cases by providing already pre-integrated building blocks including hardware and software (STMicroelectronics, Sierra Wireless), connectivity and IoT Services (Orange), design and manufacturing (LACROIX).

The partner will provide guidance and expertise to ease the overall process and help customers maximise their benefits to scale IoT deployments economically.

The IoT Continuum aims to increase the confidence of businesses by addressing the current uncertainty, complexity and reduce costs to IoT deployment, bolstering the burgeoning IoT ecosystem in Europe and beyond.

The partners will also promote eSIM and 5G technologies to drive massive IoT and are committed to helping customers develop a digitalised approach on IoT Continuum.

This will also enable new business models to accelerate the digital transformation of international industries and unleash the potential of IoT technology in areas of critical growth, including smart buildings, automotive, health, smart cities and smart industries.

IoT Continuum partners – Philippe Lucas, EVP Orange Innovation Devices and Partnerships, Orange; Philippe Guillemette, Chief Technology Officer, Sierra Wireless; Vincent Bedouin, Chief Executive Officer, LACROIX; Mustapha Bouraoui, VP Strategic Marketing EMEA, STMicroelectronics – said in a joint statement, “We joined forces and created the IoT Continuum to streamline the management of cellular IoT projects in Europe and beyond. 

“By combining our various expertise and knowledge of the IoT industry, we create a joint and unique offering to meet market demand and bring customers to more successful at scale IoT deployments on cellular networks, furthering the digital transformation of international businesses, no matter their vertical.”