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Ericsson rolls out new innovation to extend network exposure to the edge

Ericsson Edge Exposure Server provides network exposure capabilities to support simple and developer-friendly APIs to edge application ecosystems

Ericsson has announced the launch of Edge Exposure Server, a new addition to its current product Cloud Core Exposure Server.

The product provides network exposure capabilities to support simple and developer-friendly APIs to edge application ecosystems.

5G and edge computing are opening a world of new revenue opportunities across manufacturing, transport, gaming and mission-critical services.

Combined they enable new services requiring low latency, high bandwidth and capabilities such as device processing and data offload. Edge computing consists of five technology areas including edge infrastructure, -user plane, -routing, -orchestration and exposure.   

Exposure makes network capabilities, such as location and quality of service, and data easily available for the ecosystem to innovate on to improve existing services or create new services. Edge exposure is a function with enriched APIs specifically for edge applications requiring quick API responses and secure communication between application and devices.

Since providing new services based on 5G and edge computing often involves several companies in the ecosystem, for example application developers and hyperscale cloud infrastructure providers, there is also a need to support flexible business models catering for the needs of all involved parties.

According to Ericsson, enabling simple and easy access to APIs for developers is foundational in bringing new services to the market quickly and with limited system integration efforts. The APIs will initially include device information and location and quality of services functions.

Ericsson Edge Exposure Server also enables CSPs to add value within the ecosystem through functions such as edge application discovery making it easier for devices to connect to the right edge location and common exposure for monetisation addressing the need of flexible business models. 

Monica Zethzon, Head of Solution Area Packet Core at Ericsson, said, “With the launch of the Edge Exposure Server, we will further support CSPs to be part in delivering new enterprise and consumer services like drones, AR/VR and gaming while maximising the quality of experience.”

Exposure capabilities are vital in making CSPs more attractive partners in the edge ecosystem, enabling innovation of services beyond mobile broadband.

Caroline Chappell, Research director at Analysys Mason, said, “Ericsson’s Exposure Server supports developer-friendly APIs and a path to API harmonisation across CSP 4/5G networks. This will enable CSPs to add value within the edge ecosystem to application developers, system integrators, public cloud providers and device OEMs.”