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How fibre brings ‘simple, reliable and durable’ connectivity

Eusebi Llensa, CEO and Founding Partners, Outvise, shares insights into how the fibre revolution can pave the way to the success of intelligent cities

Eusebi Llensa, CEO and Founding Partners, Outvise

What does a fibre-connected MENA mean? 

Fibre-based broadband is the new generation of broadband – much faster and more reliable. Fibre optic cable has less interference, keeps the signal strength over much greater distances and operates at a higher frequency rate. Higher frequency means greater bandwidth, which means faster connection speeds for individual users in the MENA region.

In addition to being the main backbone for mobile networks to function or the main technology that connects the whole internet, fibre optics play a large role in the success of a smart city. These networks allow huge amounts of information to be transferred at high speeds across vast distances. In addition, fibre is simple, reliable, and durable – properties that are essential for developing intelligent city infrastructure that brings communities together, improves the quality of life, supports economic growth and enhances sustainability.

Enabling fast, low latency and reliable access to the Internet and other data communications for connecting individuals, companies, institutions, and all sorts of devices across the board has huge transformative power. It will allow new services; it will improve existing ones and enable many new kinds of jobs and economic activities as well as lifestyle benefits.

What are the primary challenges to getting fibre across the entire MENA? How do we overcome them?

Getting fibre connectivity across the entire MENA region is a challenge for service providers as well as for governments – it requires substantial investment as well as unified governmental regulations. Ensuring that infrastructure is put in place without costly duplications or in places where it might not be cost-effective requires coordination and will. Creating the environment to make sure that people and economies benefit the most from these huge investments is also can be nurtured with the right policies and mindsets.

Besides that, many of the countries in the region are significant in size with different climate and environmental factors, which makes it difficult to deploy fibre with equal efficiency. 

These challenges can be overcome by a long-term strategic partnership between government agencies and service providers.

Are there proven business models for getting fibre adopted? How can they be made better?

The fibre revolution presents a remarkable opportunity, but it’s not an entirely straightforward nor fail-safe market to enter. Attracting sustainable, long-term investment requires finesse.

These proven models are used to de-risk build-out plans, attract investment, and establish a solid business case:

– De-risk FTTH investment with demand aggregation: supported by agreements with municipal authorities, relying on effective marketing campaigns ahead of build-out, capital injected in the expansion of the networks, fuelled by venture capital and public funds which are attracted by a well-defined project with an assured uptake.

– Wholesale anchor-tenant strategy: operators sign binding wholesale contracts with “anchor tenants”, these relationships are supported by partnership rather than rivalry, stabilising the market, this stability attracts capital investment and bank loans from risk-averse players and public funds.

– Demand for ultra-reliable networks: meeting high-end connectivity needs can command higher subscription rates, attracting venture capital funding, which in turn, is reinjected into aggressive expansion and acquisitions, present in both wholesale and retail markets.

How is Eusebi playing a role in the evolution of fibre connectivity in MENA? How can the Fiber Connect Council MENA will help drive your business forward?

Fibre network projects are some of the most complex and costly undertakings in the telecommunications industry. As such, they require a highly skilled and experienced team with multiple competencies, from inception through to ongoing management and operations. 

The investment stage requires experienced business minds, including strategy consultants, market analysts and regulatory experts. Network design and rollout demand the best technical minds, from network design itself to technical PMOs. Once the system is in place, subject-specific experts in marketing, branding, UX and customer service will be essential to the success of the rollout and go-to-market.

In the region, Outvise works with operators and vendors such as STC Solutions, MTN, Ooredoo and Salam among others, to give them access to the best fibre technology talent in the MENA region, enhancing their project delivery. Furthermore, Outvise is a talent sourcing partner of NEOM.