Posted inNetworkingInfrastructure

Rakuten launches Open RAN Customer Experience Center, ushers in new era of network innovation

Rakuten’s new Open RAN Customer Experience Centre aims to facilitate interoperability testing for Open RAN in both new and existing networks

Rakuten Symphony has announced the launch of a new Open RAN Customer Experience Centre, which will showcase how the latest Open RAN hardware and software can be used to enhance operational efficiency and create new services in next-generation mobile networks.

According to Rakuten, the new Experience Centre marks a new phase of technological collaboration between Britain and Japan, and also represents progress in the deployment of Open Radio Access Networks (Open RAN) across Europe.

The centre is part of Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) initiative to promote supplier diversity in telecommunications.

The main purpose of the Centre is to facilitate interoperability testing for Open RAN in both new and existing networks. This European hub will host workshops and events to demonstrate the benefits of Open RAN technology.

The Centre aims to invite telecom operators and industry suppliers from Europe and the Middle East to test Open RAN advancements, which can support safe, open and transparent 5G networks.

Unlike traditional proprietary networks, Open RAN enables multiple vendors to provide different network components. The networks are software-driven, based on open standards, and run in the cloud on commercial off-the-shelf servers. Furthermore, updates to the network can be made through software, with a single push of a switch. This technology empowers telecom operators to quickly add services for their customers, without having to wait for the next generation of network upgrades.

According to Tareq Amin, CEO of Rakuten Mobile and Rakuten Symphony, the new Experience Centre will serve as an “essential touchpoint” for learning about Open RAN and how Rakuten Symphony’s solutions can enhance the operational efficiency and sustainability of mobile network operators.

The new Centre underlines the commitment by Japan’s Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) and the UK’s Department for Science, Innovation and Technology (DSIT) to increase telecommunications supplier diversity. Â