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Saudi Arabia: Internet usage by businesses reaches 96.1% in 2022

Leading the charge in the Internet usage for their operations were establishments engaged in ICT activities

The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has revealed that 96.1 percent of establishments in Saudi Arabia embraced the power of the Internet in 2022.

GASTAT’s recently published report, the 2022 Survey of Information and Communication Technology Access and Usage by Establishments, sheds light on the pervasive adoption of digital technologies across various economic sectors.

Leading the charge in the Internet usage for their operations were establishments engaged in information and communication activities, with an impressive 98.9 percent integration rate. Following closely were establishments involved in education activities, boasting a substantial 98.6 percent adoption rate, and manufacturing industries, with a commendable 97.6 percent incorporation rate.

Remarkably, GASTAT’s data further highlights that 58.7 percent of establishments employed fixed phones for their business activities, while 76.0 percent relied on the convenience of mobile phones. The report also indicates that 94.6 percent of establishments made use of computers, a fundamental tool in today’s digital landscape. Notably, 67.8 percent of these establishments took proactive measures by training their workforce in computer programs and applications.

Analysing the utilisation of computers across different economic sectors, GASTAT reveals that establishments engaged in educational activities topped the charts with an impressive 99.7 percent integration rate. They were closely followed by the financial and insurance activities sector, as well as health and social work activities, both exhibiting an impressive 98.9 percent adoption rate.

Moreover, the report uncovers that 45.6 percent of establishments had a strong online presence, with their very own websites on the World Wide Web. When delving into specific economic activities, the financial and insurance sector claimed the highest percentage, with an impressive 87.6 percent boasting a web presence. Educational activities followed suit with 68.5 percent, closely trailed by professional activities at 58.7 percent.

In a digital age where social media has become a prominent platform for business engagement, GASTAT’s findings reveal that 52.6 percent of establishments maintained active accounts on popular social media platforms. Notably, the education sector took centre stage, with a staggering 89.3 percent of educational establishments having a social media presence. Healthcare and social work activities followed suit, exhibiting a significant 81.6 percent adoption rate, while arts and entertainment activities showcased a respectable 74.7 percent presence.

The survey also shed light on the prevalence of Intranet usage among establishments, with a noteworthy 69.4 percent incorporating internal networks. The financial and insurance activities sector proved to be the frontrunner in Intranet usage, boasting an impressive 92.7 percent integration rate. The construction industry followed suit at 84.5 percent, closely trailed by healthcare and social work activities, recording an 83.7 percent adoption rate.

Furthermore, GASTAT’s report discovered that 68.8 percent of establishments employed a local network (LAN) for their operations. Leading the charge in LAN adoption were finance and insurance activities, with an impressive 87 percent integration rate, followed closely by healthcare and social work activities at 83.9 percent. Education activities showcased a commendable 83.4 percent incorporation rate.

Emphasising the growing importance of cloud computing, GASTAT’s report revealed that 34.5 percent of establishments utilised cloud-based financial or accounting software applications. Furthermore, 31.2 percent of establishments relied on cloud-based email services. The adoption of cloud computing for ready-made office software reached an encouraging 28.5 percent, while establishments employing cloud computing services for file storage accounted for 27.4 percent.

GASTAT’s latest findings highlight the remarkable digitisation journey undertaken by establishments in Saudi Arabia. With an astonishing 96.1 percent embracing the Internet, and various sectors leveraging technology to enhance their operations, the kingdom’s digital landscape continues to evolve, promising exciting prospects for the future.