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How Infoblox’s ever-evolving networking and security solutions help businesses

Infoblox’s journey is marked by introducing unique features in its networking and security solutions. From pioneering DNS-based threat intelligence to leveraging AI-driven analytics, Infoblox stands out in its commitment to simplifying and uniting networking and security in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

A large enterprise organisation was looking to deploy DNS as its security architecture’s first line of defence. At the core of its cybersecurity strategy lay the implementation of DNS-based threat intelligence, a proactive approach that proved instrumental in mitigating emerging threats and fortifying its digital defences.

Here, Infoblox played a crucial role in addressing the unique challenges that large enterprise customers face. As Craig Sanderson, VP of Product Management at Infoblox, points out, their solutions are designed to deploy DNS as the first line of defence in security architecture, thereby mitigating emerging threats and fortifying digital defences.

Implementing DNS-based threat intelligence significantly reduced security events. Infoblox’s latest AI-driven security capability, SOC Insights, also helps consolidate millions of events into 24 actionable insights.

Implementing Infoblox’s solutions brings significant benefits to enterprises. Consolidating millions of events into 24 actionable insights through SOC Insights enhanced the enterprise’s understanding of real-world risk. It streamlines its threat response efforts, empowering security analysts to prioritise and respond to threats more effectively.

By shifting the focus of threat detection and blocking to DNS, the enterprise witnessed a remarkable decrease in security events generated across its digital infrastructure. However, this reduction brought a new challenge: distilling millions of security events into actionable insights focused on critical high-risk issues.

“Once they applied the intelligence from SOC Insights, they were able to reduce those events into 24 actionable insights that focused on critical high-risk issues,” explains Sanderson. “The DNS-centric intelligence they deployed as part of Infoblox Threat Defense allowed them to uniquely identify the prevalence of key threat actors in their environment, helping them understand the real-world risk.”

While connectivity is the key, digital threats loom today, and the quest for streamlined, unified solutions to safeguard networks has become more critical than ever.

Infoblox’s goal is clear: simplify and unify networking and security in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Over its 25-year journey, Infoblox has navigated pivotal roles within the security industry, culminating in a suite of cloud-first networking and security solutions that embody simplicity, automation, scalability, and reliability.

The Genesis of Transformation: Infoblox’s Evolution

Infoblox’s journey towards pioneering networking and security solutions began with a fundamental recognition of modern organisations’ escalating cyber threats. As the digital landscape evolved, traditional security measures proved inadequate in defending against sophisticated cyber-attacks.

This realisation spurred Infoblox to embark on a transformative journey guided by a commitment to innovation and excellence.

“Infoblox has always been at the forefront of innovation in networking and security,” Sanderson added. “Our evolution has been driven by a deep understanding of the evolving threat landscape and a relentless pursuit of solutions that empower organisations to stay ahead of emerging threats.”

Central to this evolution is the development of BloxOne DDI, a flagship product offering comprehensive DNS, DHCP, and IPAM management across hybrid and multi-cloud networks.

BloxOne DDI represents a paradigm shift in network management, empowering organisations with real-time visibility and control over network connections. Its cloud-native architecture enables seamless integration across diverse environments, fostering safer and more resilient networks in the face of evolving threats. This transformative impact is what inspires us at Infoblox.

“Understanding the persistent challenges faced by modern Security Operations Centres (SOCs), such as analyst burnout, alert fatigue, and skills shortage, led to the development of SOC Insights,” explained Sanderson.

In terms of first principles, Infoblox kept several critical factors in mind while developing SOC Insights:

Efficiency: Infoblox boosts SOCs’ efficiency by reducing mean-time-to-respond (MTTR) and consolidating individual alerts into unique insights.

Actionable Insights: Infoblox turns vast amounts of security events, network, ecosystem, and unique DNS intelligence data into immediate, actionable insights.

Automation: Infoblox drives automation within the broader security ecosystem for rapid remediation and containment.

Unique DNS Intelligence: Leveraging its unique DNS intelligence, Infoblox identifies threats other tools might miss and proactively disrupts adversaries’ infrastructure to prevent threats before they occur.

Craig Sanderson, VP of Product Management at Infoblox

Revolutionising Threat Detection: BloxOne Threat Defense and SOC Insights

Complementing BloxOne DDI is BloxOne Threat Defense, armed with the ground-breaking AI-driven security capability SOC Insights. This transformative feature distills vast amounts of network and security data into actionable insights, empowering security analysts to prioritise and respond to threats with unparalleled efficiency.

“The highlight of BloxOne Threat Defense is Infoblox’s latest AI-driven security capability SOC Insights,” Sanderson explained. “It addresses the challenges faced by modern Security Operations Centres (SOCs) by leveraging advanced analytics to distil vast amounts of network and security data into actionable insights. This empowers security analysts to prioritise and respond to threats more effectively.”

The genesis of SOC Insights underscores a keen understanding of the persistent challenges that Security Operations Centres (SOCs) encounter. Analyst burnout, alert fatigue, and the skills shortage emerged as focal points, driving the development of an AI-driven solution that revolutionises threat prioritisation and response. Infoblox’s approach to SOC Insights is anchored in efficiency, actionable insights, automation, and leveraging unique DNS intelligence to disrupt threats proactively.

Infoblox is committed to empowering security teams with innovative solutions simplifying threat detection and response.

“We aim to provide security analysts with the tools to stay ahead of adversaries and protect their organisations from evolving threats. We value your security and are here to support you,” said Sanderson.

Harnessing the Power of Artificial Intelligence (AI): Transformative Data Analysis

By harnessing the power of AI, Infoblox transforms data collection and analysis, thereby enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of its solutions. From combating phishing attacks to combating DGAs (Domain Generation Algorithms), AI serves as the linchpin driving efficiency and efficacy.

Sanderson added, “Be it in finding lookalike domains used in phishing attacks, combating DGAs, or now as the core of SOC Insights.”

Infoblox’s AI model, integrated into SOC Insights, scrutinises networking and security data to identify and prioritise threats, significantly reducing response times. By leveraging AI to analyse and correlate vast amounts of DNS information, Infoblox delivers actionable insights that mitigate threats before they penetrate enterprise networks, addressing critical SecOps challenges such as alert fatigue and complex cyber-attacks.

“Infoblox’s AI-driven solutions enable organisations to identify and mitigate threats proactively, thereby minimising the risk of data breaches and operational disruptions,” Sanderson explained. “Our focus is empowering security teams to stay ahead of adversaries and protect their organisations’ digital assets.”

One core differentiator that sets Infoblox apart from its competitors is its unwavering commitment to innovation.

“Infoblox distinguishes itself in the networking and security domain through a targeted approach and integrated thinking,” Sanderson explained. “Specialising in DNS, DHCP, and IP address management (DDI), as well as DNS security, Infoblox stands apart from tech giants that offer a wide array of services. This focused expertise enables Infoblox to deliver comprehensive and advanced solutions tailored to the specific needs of organisations in DDI and security.”

By staying ahead of the curve and continuously pushing the boundaries of innovation, Infoblox remains at the forefront of the cybersecurity landscape, empowering organisations to navigate the complex digital terrain with confidence and resilience.

Anticipating Future Challenges: Trends in Cybersecurity

Looking ahead, the implementation of protective DNS, particularly in cloud-native solutions, emerges as a pivotal trend. Cloud-native protective DNS solutions offer scalability and agility, enabling rapid identification and blocking of emerging threats.

Protective DNS is paramount in fortifying cybersecurity defences as organisations embrace remote work, IoT proliferation, and evolving network perimeters.

Trends shaping the cybersecurity landscape underscore the necessity of advanced DNS security measures and the emergence of protective DNS as a critical security measure. Fuelled by their increasing frequency and sophistication, DNS-based attacks highlight the urgency for organisations to adopt proactive DNS security measures.

The race between offensive and defensive AI further underscores the importance of leveraging AI in cybersecurity strategies, albeit with a keen focus on alignment with compliance and internal policy objectives.