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Human cyber risks escalate globally, report

The report provides an in-depth analysis and actionable steps for security professionals to mature their awareness programmes, advance their careers, and benchmark their programmes globally

As artificial intelligence (AI) amplifies the sophistication and reach of phishing, vishing, and smishing attacks, understanding and managing human cyber risks has become increasingly vital. Addressing this, SANS Institute, the global leader in cybersecurity training, is proud to announce the release of the SANS 2023 Security Awareness Report®, ‘Managing Human Risk.’ Rooted in the experiences of nearly 2,000 participants from 80 countries, the report underscores the escalating stakes in human cyber risks, particularly at a time when 20% of organisations worldwide reported security incidents involving remote workers in the past year.

“The digital world is expanding rapidly, and with it, the human element of cybersecurity becomes ever more important as it evolves as a primary target for cyber threats globally,” says Lance Spitzner, SANS Security Awareness Director and co-author of the report. “The report serves as a compass, guiding organisations not just to understand but proactively manage human cyber risks. By unifying data from thousands of participants globally, we’ve uncovered patterns and practical approaches that can empower organisations to transform their human risk landscapes.”

The report provides an in-depth analysis and actionable steps for security professionals to mature their awareness programmes, advance their careers, and benchmark their programmes globally using the Security Awareness Maturity Model. Notably, the study found that mature security programmes, marked by robust teams and leadership support, are characterised by having at least three full-time employees in their Security Awareness Teams.

Key Findings:

Top Human Risks: The primary threats include Phishing/Vishing/Smishing attacks; Password/Authentication risks mitigated by advanced tools; the challenge of fostering a security culture for effective Detection/Reporting; and the risk of IT Admin Misconfigurations, especially in complex cloud environments.

Leadership Perspective: As in previous years, security awareness remains predominantly considered a part-time commitment within organisations. A noteworthy 70% of security awareness practitioners disclosed that they dedicate half or less of their working time to it this year. This insight underscores the ongoing challenge of elevating the importance of continuous cybersecurity awareness in the day-to-day operations of organisations.

Compensation: For the first time, our data reveals that professionals specialising in human risk management earn up to 5% more than their peers in broader security roles. This underlines the increasing demand and value for these skill sets in the industry.

Key Action Items to Increase Programme Success:

Talk in Terms of Risk:  Leadership and Security Teams often perceive security awareness as not part of security, but rather as a compliance effort that has little relevance to managing risk. To help change such perceptions, focus on and speak in terms of human risk management. Human risk is far more likely to align with most organisations’ strategic security priorities, gain leadership buy-in, and resonate with a Security Team. Help your Security Team members understand how you help them, and work with them to identify the top human risks and the key behaviors that manage those risks. Demonstrate how effective communications, training, and engagement is changing those key behaviors and reducing human risk. Partner with Security Operations Center, Incident Response and Cyber Threat Intelligence Teams not only to learn their work but also to show them how you can help solve their human-risk-related challenges.

Leadership Support: Dedicate two to four hours a month to collecting metrics about the impact and value of your Security Awareness Programme and communicating that value to leadership. This information can include informal metrics, established key performance indicators, and even success stories to enable leadership to better understand and regularly see the value that your programme is providing.

Team Size: While technical security has been a focal point for organisations, the human side of security has often been overlooked. This imbalance leaves the workforce as an appealing target for cyberattacks. It’s not uncommon to find a 50-member security team with 49 focusing on technology, leaving just one person to manage human risk. This underinvestment in human-focused security contributes to the prominence of human cyber risks. We recommend a starting point of a 10-to-1 ratio of technical to human-focused security professionals, to begin bridging this gap.